Chapter #47

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"Do you need something Berdara?" Cassian asked.
She was staring again.
This whole morning Gwyn couldn't stop staring at his wings.
"Nope I'm fine," she nodded nervously.
He narrowed his eyes on her.
"Gwyn, that is the fifth time today I have caught you staring. I mean I know I look good—-
"Shut up," Gwyn frowned and Cassian grinned.
Gwyn's eyes Unconsciously slid to Cassian's wings. Again.
She couldn't stop thinking about what Emrie and Nesta had told her.
That an Illyrian male's wingspan determines the size of other parts.
Gwyn was unable to formulate words after.
Then they added that Azriel had the longest wingspan, therefore the largest—
Gwyn coughed nervously looking away from Cassian's wings.
Nesta came up behind them and told Cassian something Gwyn didn't even try to listen because she was still thinking about the fucking wingspan.
And Azriel.
She felt very thirsty all of a sudden.
She walked over to the water station while everyone was cleaning up.
She had read books of course, on this stuff.
Well, not the wing stuff but the the sex stuff, and how if a man was larger it could bring on more pleasure.
Gwyn sighed and took another long drink of water.
Even thoughts of sex amped up her Indomitable Sexuality.
Gwyn could feel the power surging in her bones.
She quickly said her goodbyes and she and Flora made their way down back to their rooms.
Gwyn drew a bath but before stepping in she tried to get control of her power.
To say Gwyn didn't like this power would be an understatement, she hated it.
Hated what it reminded her of.
Her mind still travels back to that day sometimes, replaying all the most horrific moments of Gwyn's life.
Sometimes Gwyn feels so numb, she wouldn't even realize someone was touching her.
Right after Azriel had saved her, he wrapped his Cloak around her, she didn't even feel it.
She didn't feel anything.
She didn't even look up at him.
She didn't feel anything as she was passed to Mor and brought to the library.
Gwyn still couldn't feel when people touched her sometimes.
Ever since Gwyn was little she had loved hugs and kisses so you can only imagine how terrible it is to not feel them anymore.
Sometimes Gwyn just goes numb because the thought of someone touching her terrified her so much she just zoned out.
She has gotten better though, over the past few years.
Every hug or kiss from one of her friends reminds her that she is real and that her body is her own, so she can feel that touch.
Still, Gwyn had trouble with the numbness.
Gwyn tried to grapple at her power but it skittered out of her reach and amplified.
Gwyn quickly stepped onto the water in the bathtub and released her powers.
One day, she would master Indomitable Sexuality, she would master her body, because Gwyn wanted to feel, she wanted to try.
"Yeah?" Gwyn continued doing sit-ups while Nesta grounded her feet.
Nesta has been skipping out on abdominal exercises lately because, well...
Gwyn smiled.
"I was wondering about your sword?"
"Ataraxia? What about it?"
"Well, you know how you made it, with the powers you acquired from the cauldron?"
"So it's technically a made item."
"Where are you going with this?" Nesta scrunched her brow in confusion.
"What does it feel like— the sword, how do you know it's yours?"
"Aside from the fact that I made it," Nesta chuckled.
Gwyn frowned, "yes aside from the fact that you made it, what does it feel like. How do you know that it belongs to you?"
Gwyn stopped doing sit-ups while she waited for Nesta to answer.
Nesta blew out a long breath, "it feels... I don't know, it just feels right. Like it was always meant to be mine."
"You just feel a sense of right?" Gwyn questioned and Nesta nodded.
That was how she felt about truth teller. Everytime she held it, it felt like it was always meant to be hers.
"Why do you ask?" Nesta's voice pulled Gwyn from her thoughts.
"Well, I—
"Back to work," Cassian yelled from across the ring, saving Gwyn from whatever she was going to say.
Should she tell Nesta?
She would have to ask Azriel first. Where was he anyway? Gwyn had missed him these past few days.
She was also worried because he left so abruptly. She had asked Cassian about it and he said Az would be fine, though Cass did have a worried look in his eye.
Gwyn shook it off. Of course Az would be fine.
"I have a proposition for you," Nesta said just as Gwyn's abs started to give out.
"Yeah," Gwyn sounded breathless and she did five more.
"Rhysand and Feyre are having a dinner party tonight and I want you to come."
Gwyn stopped and looked at Nesta.
"What? Wait— I was invited to a dinner party hosted by the high lord and lady?"
Nesta scoffed, "stop acting like their so important—
"Their the fucking high lord and lady, nesta. They are important."
"You have met them before."
"Yeah, I know" Gwyn blew out a breath and Nesta added, "Em is going as well."
"Speaking of, where the hell is she?" Gwyn hadn't seen her all morning.
"Cass told me Mor took her to Dawn."
"And she didn't tell us!?" Gwyn gasped and Nesta nodded.
"I'm going to pummel her ass when she gets home," Nesta said and Gwyn nodded in agreement.
"When is this dinner again?"
"Tomorrow night, Mor will be back by then so she can winnow us to the river house."
Gwyn scrunched her brows.
"It's one of the Feyre and Rhysand's estates."
Gwyn nodded, "who is going to be there?"
"Me, you, Em, Cass, Mor, Feyre, Rhysand, Elain, Amren and Azriel."
Gwyn nodded recognizing most of those names.
"You don't have to come if you don't want to," Nesta assured.
Gwyn knew Nesta would never make her do anything she wasn't comfortable with.
"No, I'll come."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it will be fine, it's not like a bunch of random people."
Nesta nodded and smiled.
"Question, is there a dress code?" Gwyn asked and Nesta shook her head, no.
"You can wear whatever you want."
And that's how Gwyn got here.
She was currently standing in her room trying to decide what to wear.
She didn't know if she should wear her robes.
They seemed too formal and there would be a lot of layers.
She decided on a pair of teal flowy pants and a cream sweater.
Gwyn took one last look in the mirror and untucked her necklace out of her shirt so it would be visible.
She tied her hair back in a braid headed up to the house of wind.

She walked onto the balcony where Cassian greeted her with a lazy grin.
"You look lovely," he pressed a kiss to her cheek.
"Lovely," Gwyn repeated, "I didn't know that was in your vocabulary."
His grin widened.
"I will have you know I have a very wide vocabulary, but I tend to use only my most favorite words like—
"Fucking hell," Nesta groaned walking towards them holding her stomach.
Mother, could she be more obvious!
When she was close enough Cassian tucked her into his side and said, "look at the we even finish each other's sentences."
Gwyn rolled her eyes.
Gwyn fully took them in, she tried very hard not to look at Cassian's wings.
He was wearing his fighting leathers, and Nesta was wearing form fitting pants with a loose sweater.
"Cassian, are those leathers physically attached to your body, or are you capable of wearing other things?" Gwyn sunk down on a chair and Cassian followed in suit waiting for Mor and Emrie.
"I didn't have time to change," he sighed and Nesta looked at him.
"I was with you all day and I had time to change."
"Did you guys go somewhere?" Gwyn asked, worried.
Going anywhere seemed dangerous right now with everything that has happened.
"To camp windhaven," Cassian clarified, moving to pull Nesta onto his lap.
She gave in and he smiled, kissing her cheek from behind.
"Is it any better?" Gwyn was worried about the camp especially after the attack, it would be vulnerable.
"Yeah repairs are a little slow but because most of it was destroyed we had to start from the bottom, but everything is coming along." Cassian assured.
"And how are the females doing? Are they training?"
Nesta smiled so wide and Gwyn didn't think she had ever seen Nesta smile like that.
"What?" Gwyn asked, confused.
"Well, that just has to do with one of the things we need to talk about during dinner. I think both you and emrie should find out at the same time."
Why was Nesta being so mysterious?
"What do me and Em have to do with the Illyrian females?"
"This isn't just about Illyrian females."
"Then what?" Gwyn asked, she is very impatient.
Nesta looked to Cassian then back at Gwyn.
"It's about the Valkyrie."
Before Gwyn could pepper Nesta with questions Mor appeared holding Emrie's hand.
Gwyn smiled and winked at her friend
"Ready?" Mor asked and they all got up and walked over to them.
Gwyn grabbed Emrie's hand, "next time you take a spontaneous trip to Dawn you better tell us, or Nesta is actually going to beat your ass," Gwyn said angrily.
Emrie gripped Gwyn's hand, "I'm sorry, were you worried?" Emrie teased and Gwyn was not having it.
"Yes," Gwyn sighed and Emrie's eyes softened and she pulled Gwyn close, "next time I promise to leave a note."
Gwyn nodded and turned to smile at her friend but by then they were surrounded in blackness.
There was nothing then they were standing in front of a beautiful manner.
The door had opened and Gwyn immediately smelt garlic and onion.
Her stomach grumbled.
"Come in," Feyre, the high lady motioned for them to step inside, Nyx giggling on her hip.
She stayed beside Emrie and Mor as the high lord Rhysand walked in and—-
He had wings.
Gwyn's mind immediately went to the gutter.
She always thought Rhysand was handsome, but this kind of thinking needed to stop!
She turned to Nesta who was smirking at her, likely knowing what was going through her mind.
This was going to be a long night.

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