Chapter #35

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This chapter is from Nesta's point of view!
I'm sorry I love writing Nesta and Cassian fluff.
"The end," Nesta said quietly, shutting the book and setting it down.
"So sleepy," Nesta whispered, running her hand down Nyx's back, being careful of his wings.
They were growing and so she made sure to be careful of the delicate things.
She knows how important wings were, she remembered how Cassian's were shredded, she grimaced at the thought.
That would never happen to Nyx, she would protect him as well as his cousin.
She smiled at the little swell in her belly.
It was barely noticeable, but it was still there.
She continued to rub Nyx's back and she watched as he smiled.
He always smiled in his sleep, she wondered what he dreamt about.
"Hey I brought some tea— o," Cassian said, automatically getting quieter.
"Is he sleeping?" Cas asked and Nesta nodded while taking the cup of tea.
"He is so smiley," Cassian said, kneeling next to the couch Nesta was laying on.
He ran a finger over Nyx's cheek and kissed his forehead.
Nesta loved how affectionate Cassian was with Nyx, she often wondered how he would be with their babe.
"He's so little," Cassia Whispered, smiling.
Nesta nodded, marveling in Nyx sleeping on her chest.
"We should probably tell everyone," Nesta sighed, snuggling more into Nyx.
"About the pregnancy!?" Cassian whisper-yelled.
Nesta put her hand over Cassian's mouth.
"Shh, Nyx is sleeping remember," she said and Cassian nodded, kissing Nesta's palm.
"But yes, it's been three months so I think it's time," Nesta said, tucking a strand of hair behind Cassian's ear.
He leaned into her touch.
"Ok," he said grinning, "well how do you want to do it?"
Nesta thought for a moment.
"Well, I guess we could tell Rhys, Feyre and Elain tomorrow at breakfast and Mor, Azriel, Gwyn and Emrie at training," Nesta said, looking at Nyx.
"Ok," Cas said, running his hand up and down Nyx's back.
"Do you want to tell them the gender?" He asked and Nesta looked at him.
"Do you want to tell them about the gender," she asked and Cassian nodded, smiling wide.
"I want everyone to know that we are having a little girl," he said, placing his hand on her stomach.
"And," Cassian added, "could we wait to tell Rhys," he paused, "I just want to tell Rhys and Azriel together if that's ok."
"Of course," Nesta said, placing her hand on top of his.
"Rhys is having a dinner party slash meeting thing next week maybe we could tell them then?" Cassian said, looking towards Nesta.
"Sounds good to me," Nesta said smiling.
"Good," Cassian said, pressing a featherlight kiss to her lips.
"Which story did you decide to read to him?" He asked, picking up the book.
"Something about a sea dragon," Nesta said leaning back against the pillows.
He looked through the book and smiled and opened his mouth to say something but a shooting pain went through Nesta's pelvis.
"Ow ow," Nesta shot up.
"Here," Cassian said, taking the sleeping Nyx from her arms.
"What's wrong Nes?" He asked, his voice so soft and tentative.
"It hurts," was all she could get out of the pain in her pelvis becoming too much.
"Hey, hey," he said calmly "it's going to be fine—
She cut him off, "easy for you to say you're not the one with a person growing inside you!" She whisper-yelled.
He chuckled, which made Nesta more irritable.
Did he think this was a joke?
"Lay back," he said, "trust me Nes, I read a book about this."
She was about to argue but another sharp pain shot through her pelvis.
She grabbed Cassian's free hand and squeezed it, laying back on the couch.
"Ok, now keep your knees bent and feet flat."
Nesta did and Cassian added, "now breathe."
So she took a few deep breaths.
Each one making a little bit of pain disappear.
"Better?" She heard Cassian ask and she opened her eyes and nodded.
"Maybe you're not completely useless," Nesta said, still taking deep breaths.
"Ah, was that a compliment Nes?" He asked, kissing her and she smiled.
Nesta heard Nyx stir.
"Shhh, shhhh," Cassian cooed, standing up and swaying back and forth.
Nesta watched as Cassian lulled Nyx back to sleep.
"I'm going to put this one in bed, I'll be back," Cassian said, pressing a kiss to Nesta's head and walking out of the room with Nyx.
Nesta got up and put the book back on the shelf when she heard Elain.
She must be in the room behind this wall.
—"but I can't do that," Nesta heard Elain say.
"Hey ready for bed?" she heard Cassian ask and she nodded forgetting what she heard Elain say.

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