I'm just going to apologize in Advance

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Ok listen I know you guys want another chapter and I am really trying to write but my fricken nose won't stop running and all I want to do is sleep. But I promise, promise I will give you another one tomorrow.
I really wanted to come on here to tell you all what I have been squealing about for the past hour.
So I was just eating dinner and looking on insta when I saw this post about Elucien.
I know, I know and I love Gwynriel and I am super excited about things I am going to write about them. So exciting things are to come.
Butttttt I need to share with you my thoughts on this post.
If you don't like Elucien or don't really care, that's totally fine. You do you boo!
But that's what I will be talking about rn.
Now let's get into it.
The post was about how Lucien and elaine's book is not going to be a Rapunzel retelling(like I originally thought) but it is going to be a Hercules retelling.
Now I fucking love Hercules, like it is one of my absolute favorite Disney movies.
the person's insta is heyovivi if you want to look at the post.
Basically to summarize Meg working with hades is like Elaine working with koschei.
And obviously Hercules would be Lucien.
Anyway if you are interested you should really read the post. I can't explain it as well as she did.
Btw she did an amazing job because I am questioning everything.
But I made my sister watch the movie Hercules with me tonight and couldn't help but see other similarities that the post did not mention.
Who remembers in ACOSF when Helion came in with a pegasus, a fucking pegasus.
Now in the movie what does Zeus, Hercules' dad, give him?
Like why else would SJM put in a random mythical animal?
Also another thing I noticed at the end of the movie when Hercules became a god he was glowing.
And at first I was like "o he's glowing." Then I thought about it like, "O HE IS GLOWING."
You know who else can probably glow, LUCIEN because he is the fucking heir to day court, and he has fricken light powers.
Sorry, basically I was squealing the whole movie picturing it as Lucien and Elaine and my sister was like "shut up, you're so annoying."
There was one thing on that post where I was like ehhhh and that was Elaine selling herself to Koschei because she wants to be human again.
Like I don't think she would do that but I mean, idk.
Anyway after I finish this Gwynriel fanfic I plan to do another to finish the story because what I have planned for this ending can't really be the ending, if you're picking up what I'm throwing down.
Anyway, I still love Gwynriel with all my heart. I just can't really tell you my theories for them because, well, that would just spoil this fanfic.
Sorry enough of that.
I promise to really try to get a chapter posted tomorrow.
I'm planning on baking muffins so I'll write while they bake.
Sorry, you are not here to read about muffins.
I love you all, and again thank you so much for reading.
I'm really happy you guys are liking the story and there isn't even any smut yet, wow, look at you go!
Ok I'm going to go, love you all biiiiiii!!!

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