Chapter #17

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Ok, I stayed up very late last night thinking about Eris and Mor and their whole story. It took a little while but I did it. Anyway you probably don't get what I'm saying cause you don't live in my brain, but basically exciting things are coming.
This chapters point of view is from our fav couple Emrie and Mor!
"No! Stop!" Mor yelled trying to free herself from her restraints.
"Please," Mor pleaded, "She is pregnant!"
Mor watched as they brought a knife to Oshun's throat and—
"Hey. Mor, it's alright, you're ok." She felt herself leaning against a chest and someone's hands stroking her hair.
She was surrounded in darkness.
She started to feel her breathing even out and she realized she was surrounded by wings.
She turned around to face who was holding her.
Mor saw her beautiful light brown skin, and her eyes that were a shade darker.
She focused on Emrie's features, and they seemed to make her forget her nightmare.
"Are you ok?" Emrie asked, still holding her.
Mor found that her voice was too horse to speak so she nodded.
"You said something about someone being pregnant?" Emrie asked and just like that the memory came rushing back.
Mor shook herself out of Emrie's hold and moved back to her side of the bed.
Emrie's living space was small, she only had one bed.
They decided they would share the bed and stuff pillows in the middle of the bed to separate them.
The pillows were currently on the floor, and there were no more barriers between them.
"Sorry," Mor said, her voice horse, "it was nothing, just a nightmare, I didn't mean to wake you."
Mor was embarrassed, she would usually take a sleeping pill before bed so she didn't have nightmares but she had forgotten to bring them.
"Hey, don't apologize," Emrie said, her voice thick with sleep, "we can't control our nightmares. We can't control the bad things that happen to us."
Mor nodded and she felt Emrie brush a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Think you can go back to sleep?" Emrie asked, "We have a few more hours before we have to be up."
Mor nodded and took a deep breath before laying back down.
She kept taking deep breaths. breathing in Emrie's scent, winter with a hint of lavender.
She felt the bed grone under Emrie's weight as she laid back down.
Mor's arm brushed the velvety hardness of Emrie's wing, and she heard Emrie take a sharp inhale.
Mor loved wings, she would never tell anyone but she loved how protective the Illyrian are over their wings.
She had been tempted to touch Az or Cas' wings, but knew that they would only allow their mate to touch them.
Mor has had Illyrian lovers before but they didn't allow her to touch their wings.
Maybe it was that Mor had wanted someone to trust and love her enough, to be able to be vulnerable with her in that way. to let her touch their wings.
She felt herself reaching out to touch Emrie's wing again, but stopped herself.
She loved Emrie's wings even though they were broken. Some of the most beautiful things were.
She had seen the scars on the center tendons of Emrie's wing that were clipped.
Ever since she had met Emrie she has felt the need to make her happy, the need to make her smile.
During Mor's weekly trips to the library to check on Gwyn, she started to research wings and the healing process of them.
She remembered how Emrie talked about how much she loved flying. How somber she looked when she told Mor how much she missed it.
She heard Emrie's soft even breaths and knew she had fallen asleep.
And not long after, Mor had fallen asleep to the melody of Emrie's breathing.
When Emrie woke up she felt a hot body pressed against hers.
She opened her eyes and found Mor laying basically on top of her.
Emrie's wings were surrounding them, Their legs were all tangled, Emrie's arms were wrapped around Mor's waist, and Mor's head was in the crook of Emrie's neck.
Emrie felt Mor's breath against the upper inside of her wing.
Emrie shivered and felt her nipples harden and goosebumps roll over her skin.
She felt Mor shift and suck in a sharp breath.
She didn't know what to do. She didn't even know how this happened.
She lowered her wings from around them and light started pouring in.
She looked at Mor again and smiled.
Mor looked very cute, all sleepy.
She watched Mor's eyes flutter open and their eyes locked.
Mor made no point to move.
Emrie saw little smile started to creep its way onto Mor's lips.
"What?" Asked Emrie smiling.
Mor started giggling.
"I'm sorry," Mor said, still giggling, "I'm literally laying on top of you."
Emrie's smiled widened a bit.
"Well, I will just have to add that to the list," emrie said.
"What list?" Mor asked, confused.
"Your list. Your favorite food is ice cream, you love horses, the color red and thunderstorms.You're five hundred and thirty eight years old, and you love snuggling," Emrie said and Mor leaned into Emrie's shoulder groaning.
"You are never going to forget my age are you?" Mor asked.
"Never," Emrie said, softly chuckling.

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