Chapter #55

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Gwyn tried to breathe slowly as she entered the mountain palace.
Azriel was holding her hand. He helped ground her.
She wanted to thank him, to say something about all he had done for her.
She didn't know how to tell him how much he meant to her.
Maybe a little too much.
Gwyn couldn't deny her attraction to him but that wasn't what fueled her need for him.
It was his smile, his laugh, his mind, even when he annoyed her, she loved the way—-
"Ready," he asked, stopping right before the door.
She nodded, still not feeling completely ready.
But she felt safe at least. With Azriel at her side she would always feel safe and that was enough.
He let go of her hand and she walked into the sitting room where Eris waited.
Gwyn really didn't know what she was expecting.
He was tall, about the same height as Azriel.
His hair was red, very red. Gwyn had never seen such a vibrant shade of hair color before. Her hair was more of a copper color. But finding some similarities in his features...It was fascinating.
His skin was pale but his cheeks were lined with freckles, like hers.
Though their eyes were far from the same. His were amber. Reminding her of fall leaves.
But his nose and mouth... They looked just like her mothers.
And the high cheek bones— O, Gwyn wondered if his cheek bones were even more defined when he smiled just like her mother's.
"Hi," Eris said, looking awed.
His eyes were wide and his mouth gaping.
"Hi," Gwyn replied, hugging her arms around herself.
This was it. She was meeting Eris— her grandfather.
"You look so much like her," he murmured in disbelief, still looking at her.
"You do too," Gwyn said, assuming he was talking about her mother.
He nodded as a slight smile tipped up his lips.
He didn't seem like an ass.
Gwyn turned, noticing Feyre and Rhysand to Eris' left by... the liquor cabinet.
Well, they must feel the same way Azriel feels about him.
"We have much to discuss," Rhysand said, sounding as bored as ever.
"I would like to speak with her before," Eris demanded, "If that's alright with you?" He turned to Gwyn.
She just stared at him for a minute. Her grandfather. Who was alive, Who wanted to speak with her.
She couldn't help the queasiness of uncertainty she felt, but she would push past that.
This was what her mother would have wanted and if Catrin were here... she would have wanted to meet Eris.
Gwyn straightened her spine with the last bit of confidence she had and nodded.
She felt a strong hand at her back.
He looked at her, questions laced in his eyes, are you sure?
She nodded to Azriel, assuring him she would be fine.
"We will leave you to talk," Feyre said, "but Eris if you try anything—-
"I'm her family," Eris interrupted, anger lit his eyes.
"So are we," she heard the shadowsinger say from behind her.
They walked out the door and Gwyn didn't even have time to unpack that statement.
So are we.
She always thought of Nesta and Emrie as family but now... maybe they were all her family.
They all supported her and protected her, and that's what family does.
Once they were alone She walked over to Eris sitting on the couch and he followed in suit.
"I didn't believe Mor when she told me—-until she gave me my memories back," his voice, it was soft and gentle.
"Yeah, it's very strange," Gwyn admitted with a nervous laugh, "I had never known of any of my relatives other than my sister and mother. it feels very surreal meeting you."
He nodded, still looking her over.
"Sorry," he added, catching himself staring, "ever since I have gotten my memories back of your mother, I can't stop picturing her in my mind. You look very similar."
Gwyn nodded, "I have a lot of her facial features, but my sister Catrin... She looked just like my mother. She had more water nymph in her so she probably looked more like my grandmother too. So I suppose that means I look more like you," Gwyn smiled and Eris' eyes looked sad.
"I wish I could have met Catrin, and I wish I could see your mother again."
Gwyn's eyes started to water.
She refused to cry in front of a man she had never met.
"I'm so sorry. It must have been very hard to lose them, to be alone for so long."
Gwyn nodded trying to blink away her tears.
He was making this very hard.
"It was," she admitted, her throat felt tight with emotion.
She had never spoken so openly about this.
"I'm sorry too," Gwyn said quietly, trying to steady her voice, "about Oshun, I wish I could have met her."
He nodded, "I wish you could have met her too. I'm assuming Mor told you how she died?" Eris asked, pain laced in every single one of his features.
"Yes," Gwyn said simply.
Eris took a deep breath.
"I know why you all have summoned me. To find Narben."
Ok straight to business then.
"I know it's location. I know it can kill Koschei... but I cannot reach it," he paused as if debating what to say next.
"Are you sure you want to find Narben, Gwyn?"
That was the first time he had said her name.
"I have to. Koschei is the biggest threat to prythian right now and finding Narben is our best shot at destroying him."
"I know, but it's dangerous. Oshun... she almost died trying to get that sword," he stiffened and Gwyn could see him put on an impassive face as Azriel often did.
"It is made from death and destruction. Are you sure you can do this?"
"I'm sure."
He kept asking that as if he was worried but Gwyn could see no emotion through his passive mask.
He nodded, "like I said, I cannot reach the sword. Only one with nymph blood can go because the sword is underwater. But I don't even know if you could reach it if you have more high fae blood than Nymph. You would need to transform."
Gwyn didn't have enough nymph blood in her to transform but if she could get a handle on her shapeshifting maybe...
"I can do that," she assured and Eris' eyes lit with surprise but it was brief.
"So you do have some nymph powers?"
She nodded, not wanting to elaborate and he didn't push her.
"I suppose we should bring them back in then," he said and she nodded.
But she still wanted to ask about her mother and grandmother and she wanted to know him. She wanted to know where she came from.
But... Maybe he didn't want to know her.
She pushed aside the break in her heart.
Really, what had she expected?
That he would tell her about how he fell in love with her grandmother and she would tell him about her mother and Catrin and they would give each other hugs and—-
Gwyn really didn't realize how disappointed she was.
Eris wasn't rude, he wasn't an ass.
And she wanted to know him and she wanted him to know her.
She definitely had not anticipated this— this longing.
Maybe she deserves this pain. Maybe it was punishment for the life she led, The damage she had caused.
She heard voices and people walking in but it was all blurry.
"Gwyn," she looked down to find Azriel holding her hand, seated next to her on the couch.
"You ok?"
She nodded, forcing a slight smile on her face.
He didn't look convinced.
"Here," Eris pointed to a map they had taken out. Gwyn didn't remember how they even got the map.
"You're shitting me," Feyre said, dragging her hand over her face.
"What?" Gwyn sat up and looked at the map.
Well, at least this would make learning how to shift easier.
"It is located off the coast of spring court," Eris assured.
Of course it was.
"That's where your mother hid it."
She nodded remembering the story her mother had told her of the sword.
"She went to the deepest depths of the sea where the fiercest monsters lay, and fed it to them so no one else could ever find it again."
"She fed it to them. Wouldn't that hurt?" Gwyn questioned.
"Yeah especially if the sword is full of death," Catrin piped in.
"Well, the brave warrior had to make sure it would never be found and used for harm again."
"But that's mean to the sea monster," Catrin protested.
Gwyn nodded in agreement.
Their mother laughed and it sounded like sunshine.
"You girls are very smart and very right. Maybe instead the warrior asked the sea monster to hold onto it for her. Does that sound better?"
"Yes, and they have to be best friends after," Gwyn added.
"The sea monster and the warrior?" Her mother questioned.
"Yeah," Catrin agreed, "and they had underwater tea parties just like us———-
Gwyn really hoped that part of the story wasn't true.
The part where her mom fed the sword to a sea monster.
She was not about to go inside of a scary water monster. That is where she would draw the line.
The meeting was over quickly. They had to get back and regroup because now... they actually had to get the sword.
Feyre and Rhysand winnowed away and Azriel was out the door, Gwyn following behind.
"Gwyn, wait."
She turned around at the sound of Eris' voice.
"I was wondering if maybe we could... talk sometime. I know we just met but," he paused, taking a breath, "you're all I have left of them."
Gwyn saw the vulnerability in that statement. All the emotions he laid bare.
"I would like that," she smiled at him and it was genuine.
He smiled right back, and his smile...
Gwyn was right about the defined cheekbones. It looked so much like her mother's smile she almost fell to her knees.
She watched as he winnowed away. His darkness swallowed him whole.
Gwyn couldn't help the hope that sparked in her chest.
It went well. A little awkward and confusing but it was worth it.
She hoped meeting her father would go similarly to this.
Because she had to meet him. She needed his help in order to shift, and the sword was on his land.
Gwyn was going to spring court.
That definitely made her want to throw up.
She needed a break from this shit.
She was going to meet Tamlin— her father. She was going to find Narben, kill Koschei and finally save the Illyrian women.
Easy... right?
Yeah I'm not going to lie, this chapter was boring. Sorry.
Also I rewrote it like five times but here we are.
I want to write more Gwyn and Az stuff but there still needs to be a plot soooooo........
But just wait a couple more chapters and there will hopefully be plenty of Gwyn and Azriel cuteness to go around.
Anyway I will try to write more tomorrow. I love you all very much! Have a restful night😘

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