Chapter #5

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Gwyn felt tears prick at her eyes, as she watched Nesta and Cassian walk out of the temple. The smiles on their faces... Gwyn couldn't even begin to describe the emotions they held.

She only hoped to make someone smile like that one day.

She felt all the anticipation from the night bubbling with energy under her skin. She felt a slight fog start to cloud her thoughts.

She took a deep breath. This hadn't happened outside of the library in a while. Gwyn tried her best not to panic, and went out the back door of the temple.

She had to sing after this, she reminded herself. She had to remain in control. More and more worry built up under her skin and created more energy she was desperate to release.

Only a block till the party, then she would surely find something there to help.

When she arrived she spotted an alcove of trees surrounding a large fountain. Perfect.

Gwyn walked over to the secluded area and slipped off of her shoes. She stepped on to the surface of the water but didn't fall through.

Being part water nymph was both a blessing and a curse.

Gwyn continued to water-walk, releasing all of that extra energy. Catrin, and their mother possessed this power as well. They would often have races on lakes. Gwyn would always lose, but no matter what happened her mother would always tell her how proud she was of her.

Gwyn smiled at the memory.

Water-walking did take much concentration and control, especially for people like Gwyn who only possess a fraction of the gift.

Gwyn continued to focus on the ripples of the water, and failed to notice the footsteps coming her way.


Azriel was supposed to go to the party, not wherever the hell his shadows were leading him.

His shadows had been acting up ever since winter solstice. They could be difficult at times before, but they were never like this: leading him into unknown areas– well not unknown.

He actually knew this area very well. He had an apartment over here, for when he wanted to be truly alone, or when he had someone occupying his time.

Still his shadows were not telling him anything, only forcing him to go.

The party wasn't far from where his shadows were taking him. Azriel arrived next to a fountain blocked by some trees.

He furrowed his brows as he found Gwyn Berdara walking on water. He blinked a couple of times before registering that she was walking on water.

He took another step forward studying the image, and he watched as she looked up to meet his gaze and fell right through whatever magical barrier was holding her up.

Does she have powers? She was part water nymph. Maybe that's why she was so alluring? Azriel has studied all manner of creatures, but never water nymphs. He made a mental note to check the library when he went back to the house of wind.

Splashing noises brought him back to the present as he took in a very wet Gwyn and smiled.

He jogged over to her, "are you ok?" He tried to suppress the smile that threatened to take over all of his features as he watched Gwyn try to stand and fail. Her dress was heavy, pulling her back into the water.

"You really shouldn't sneak up on people," she scolded, trying and failing again to stand.

"Well, spying is a part of my job description so I can't really help my sneaky tendencies," he teased.

She just looked up at him with murderous intent as she tried to stand.

"Do you want some help?" Azriel asked though he already knew the answer.

"No," she heaved herself up and Azriel watched her bite her lip in an effort to stand.

He had never had to use this much control not to laugh in his life.

"Are you sure–

"You know what, I would love some help," she smiled up at him.

Her blue eyes shined with mischief. Still he reached out his hand for her to grip. Right before he could pull her out she yanked down on his arm, pulling him into the water as well.

Sometimes he forgot how strong she was.

He sat up out of the water, his hair, clothes, wings all soaked–

He turned to see Gwyn smiling, and heard her laughing. It seemed to transform her face.

So little did he see that darkness leave the priestess's eyes.

"You're dead," he and his shadows splashed her with water, but Gwyn was not one to back down from a challenge.

She splashed him right back.

Soon enough he was smiling, and it was one of the smiles that was so broad he could feel his own face make it.

"What are you doing," Azriel froze at the sound of Amren's voice.

Both him and Gwyn turned to face her, absolutely soaked.

"We– umm," Amren had never seen him so unprofessional before.

"Hurry up Nesta and Cassian are wondering where you two are," she finished walking away not commenting on their state.

Azriel could feel his cheeks heat.

He turned to Gwyn and stood up offering her a hand.

She looked reluctant and Azriel raised a brow at her as if saying, really?

She just rolled her eyes, I can do things on my own you know?

"Obviously getting out of a fountain is not on the list of things you can do on your own," he smirked.

She grasped his hand and he pulled up and helped her step out with ease.

"You're a very irritating person. You know that?" she squeezed the water out of her hair.

Azriel used his shadows to dry her then himself.

"You're the one who pulled me into a fountain," he argued, feeling the lightness in his words.

She pursed her lips, "thank you," she said, noting her now dried clothes.

"O, now she has manners," he teased and she had the audacity to look offended.

"I'll have you know I am very well mannered," Gwyn crossed her arms "but they differ on who I am with."

"Makes sense," Azriel shook the water off of his wings. "To most people you are kind and polite but around me you are prone to pulling me in fountains."

"Exactly," Gwyn smiled and his shadows reached out towards her. Trying to touch the beautiful sight. Azriel tried to get them to listen to his commands but they refused to pull back. 

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