Chapter #22

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Azriel was trying to make his way to Nesta Gwyn and Emrie.
Cassian had asked if he could get them somewhere safe.
He planned to winnow them out of the camp and from there give them directions to a town.
That was only if he could get to them through this madness.
Swords crashing against swords. Screams of pain and shouts of fury.
He saw glimpses of wings and glowing siphons.
But after he let his rage take control all he could see was red.
One kill for his mother.
One for Rhys.
One for Feyre.
One for cassian.
One for Nesta and her child.
One for Mor.
One for Elaine.
One for Gwyn.
One for Emrie.
And one for A—
"Go to them I'll cover you," he heard Amren say.
There was no time for questioning or hesitation so Azriel moved forward.
As he advanced he cut people down faster than they could even see him.
"This way, you are almost there," his shadows whispered to him.
Soon enough he was standing next to Nesta who just ran a guy through with her sword.
Gwyn was currently disarming a warrior that came for Nesta's back and Emrie just stabbed the warrior Gwyn disarmed.
They fought very well together.
Azriel still doesn't understand how they become such good fighters with only about a year of training.
They were cutting down men quicker than they could even see what hit them.
Gwyn shoved her sword into the gut of another warrior and as the warrior fell to the ground, her eyes locked with Azriel's.
They still looked teal but like there were threads of moonlight woven in between the blue.
And the dagger in his hand started buzzing and faintly glowing.
What the hell?
"Behind you," his shadows said and he turned around and cut down the warrior at his back.
He made his way over to them and the fighting was starting to die down, enough to where he could speak to them for twenty seconds before another attack.
"I need you guys to grab on to me tightly. I am going to winnow you somewhere safe."
None of them questioned him. They all grabbed on to him and then all there was, was darkness.

Gwyn was standing on a snow covered mountain.
She looked to Nesta, Emrie and Azriel who were all out of breath.
"Magic doesn't work here," Azriel said, "but There is a town at the top of this hill, magic works there. When you get there, ask for Layla starling. She will help you. When you get to her house I need you to get something for me, it's called a shadow piège. Gwyn, you will know what to do when you get to it."
Gwyn was confused.
Like really confused.
"How will I—
"There is no time for questions," he said, backing away from them and his shadows started surrounding him.
"Don't get killed," he said and then he was gone.
Gwyn looked around and saw only snow.
When she looked up she could see lights, Azriel was right there was a town here.
"You guys ok?" Gwyn asked and Emrie nodded and Nesta groaned.
"Nes?" Gwyn asked, walking over to her.
"I'm ok," Nesta said standing up.
She definitely was not ok.
It could be the pregnancy or the mating bond between Nesta and Cassian.
Nesta just then leaned over and threw up.
Definitely the pregnancy thing.
This would be a long walk.

They finally got to the top of the hill, to the town.
They were all breathless, especially Nesta who had been throwing up the whole walk.
They started walking in the town square. It smelt like freshly baked sweet roles and citrus.
Everyone was looking at them.
Gwyn could only imagine how disheveled they looked now, with all the blood and wind blown hair.
And suddenly Gwyn didn't know where she was.
She was panicking.
"Do you know Layla Starling?" Gwyn heard Emrie ask a random shop owner.
They nodded and pointed to the end of the block while muttering directions to Emrie.
Gwyn and Nesta followed Emrie down the street to a little blue house.
Gwyn knocked on the door.
opened and a beautiful lady dressed in a lilac dress appeared.
She looked to be in her late forties which meant she was probably very old.
But she was beautiful. She had long jet black hair that was pinned to her head, tanned skin, and a familiar pair of hazel eyes.
"Who are you?" she asked in a tone that was way too nice for random people who just showed up at her door.
"Azriel told us you could help us, I'm Emrie—
"O," the woman said and smiled warmly, "so you must be Nesta," she pointed to Nesta and Nesta nodded.
"And you must be Gwyn," she now pointed to Gwyn.
"Yes, please come in." She said and they followed her inside.
What was happening?
Who is this?
How did she know their names?
"Are you Layla Starling?" Emrie asked, following the woman into the kitchen.
Gwyn looked at Nesta who looked just as confused as Gwyn.
Gwyn let out a little giggle. Nesta hit her and mouthed "shut up."
Nesta took Gwyn hand and they walked into the kitchen where Emrie was having a full on conversation with the woman.
"Sorry, everything is so messy. I was just doing some baking," the woman said, "yes, my name is Layla Starling."
"I don't mean to rush you," emrie said, "but there is a civil war going on right now and Azriel asked us to get something called a shadow piège?"
"O my," Layla said, face going pale.
"Sorry that was the most bizarre sentence I have heard in a while, and Az says a lot of weird things."
Gwyn nodded agreeing with the woman, Az does say a lot of weird things.
Layla looked down at her hands thinking for a moment.
Gwyn just then noticed how rough her hands looked, like she had spent much of her life working hard labor.
"There is truly a civil war going on? Layla asked looking towards Gwyn who nodded.
Layla sighed rubbing her temple, "Did Az tell you how to use it?"
"Yes. He said that when we got it our friend Gwyn, over here," Emrie motioned to Gwyn and Gwyn blushed, "would know what to do when she had it."
Layla looked at Gwyn, face still pale and eyes wide in a way she had seen before.
"It is in a cave on the mountain, I can take you there," a pause. "Azriel really plans to use this against rebel Illyrian warriors?"
They all nodded and Nesta said "they started wing clipping again."
Shadows entered Layla's eyes and Gwyn could practically feel her rage.
"Never mind, I think using the shadow piège is a great idea," Layla said in fury and walked out of the kitchen motioning for them to follow.
And so they did.

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