Chapter #19

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Gwyn had what could have been considered the best day of her life.
There were so many Illyrians.
If Gwyn didn't know better, she would have guessed that they were gods.
The first time she had seen Azriel and his beautiful wings and Ethereal presence when he saved her, she thought he was a god sent by the cauldron.
She had learned that Illyrians were definitely not gods.
The males especially were not as respectful as Cassian and Azriel, but she didn't let that ruin her day.
She got to train with actual Illyrian females.
Nesta and Emrie and her talked about their Valkyrie training and showed them some Valkyrie techniques.
The Illyrian women showed them what they had been working on, Illyrian techniques and all.
They even got to talk to some of the children about the importance of taking a stand as a female.
There were many Illyrian males who didn't agree with what was said and started arguing.
But that surprisingly was the best part of her day because she got to punch that self righteous Illyrian warrior in the face.
She made his nose bleed. Oops.
When they got back to the house she was exhausted.
She practically fell asleep while eating dinner.
Cassian held her upright so she didn't plummet face first into her bowl of stew.
They had gotten back really late because they had to go back and talk to Devlon about overcrowding.
There were so many people at camp iron crest and they didn't know if there would be enough room.
So they stayed up all night setting up tents as Azriel winnowed the females and children in.
They only got about a fourth of the women and children out and some already had their wings cut off.
This was definitely not the best day of her life.
So after Gwyn ate dinner she practically collapsed on the couch.
She woke up the next morning to Nesta and Cassian talking in the kitchen.
"So how's our little muffin?" Gwyn heard Cassian say.
What little muffin?
"She's good," Gwyn could hear the smile in Nesta's voice, "but she is not even the size of a muffin yet Cas."
Wait. Was nesta—
O by the mother!
Gwyn continued to pretend she was sleeping.
Was this wrong? yes.
Was this probably considered stalking? yes.
O cauldron, she was turning into Azriel.
Azriel, she was really worried about him.
She didn't get to see him last night to make sure he was ok—
"So like an apple?" Gwyn heard Cassian ask.
"Smaller than that."
"A strawberry?"
"Yeah I'd say that sounds about right," Nesta said chuckling, "our little strawberry."
Gwyn was about to burst out of her skin, this was one of the cutest things she had ever witnessed.
"What do you think she'll look like," Cassian asked.
"I think she will have wings and your beautiful hazel eyes—
"What!" Cassian cut her off, "I want her to have your eyes."
"You told me that at times, when you look into my eyes you see death," Gwyn heard Nesta say.
"Yes, that's exactly my point. I want her to intimidate everyone so no one can hurt her," he said.
"We are going to protect her no matter what," Nesta vowed.
"No matter what," Cassian repeated "even if she doesn't have your eyes or my wings, I will love her all the same."
"Me too," Nesta said.
Gwyn thought she might start crying if she listened to any more of this.
This was everything she had ever wanted, a family.
Gwyn's skin was buzzing with power and she needed to find a release quickly.
She did just water walk before she left but all the excitement from yesterday must have gotten her all riled up.
She moved on the couch so that Cassian and Nesta would hear.
Gwyn sat up and Gave them a sleepy smile.
"Morning," she said and turned back around because she couldn't seem to wipe the smile from her face.
"Morning Gwyn" "morning Gwyneth" they said at the same time.
She couldn't believe Nesta didn't tell her she was pregnant!
Gwyn got up and walked over to the counter.
She was suddenly very thirsty.
O shit, it was happening.
She grabbed some water and drank deeply.
"You want breakfast, Gwyn?" Cassian asked, "I'm teaching Nes how to make eggs."
"Sure but I only want the eggs you make," Gwyn said heading to the bathroom.
"Wow, you have no faith in me Gwyneth," she heard Nesta say then she heard a splat and someone mutter curse.
Well, that was going great.
By the time she got to the bathroom she was still thirsty. Her skin felt all hot and she ached.
She would honestly prefer to transform rather than this.
She opened the bathroom door and found a sleeping shadowsinger.
He was wrapped in a towel, so his full chest was on display.
Which for Gwyn, was not helping.
He was lying on the bathroom floor. Did he sleep here the whole night?
She bent down and brushed his cheek with her hand.
Another bad move.
His skin was so soft, his lips looked even softer.
No. Stop.
She really needed to find a release for her power.
She brushed his cheek again and said "Azriel."
She watched as his eyes fluttered open and he inhaled a sharp breath.
His shadows seemed to wake up at the same time as him.
They immediately surrounded Gwyn, which was not good.
Because his shadows could sense things and they probably scented her—-
"Gwyn? what happened?" Azriel said rubbing his eyes and sitting up which made his muscles move in such interesting ways.
"I umm," Gwyn cleared her throat, "I think you fell asleep on the bathroom floor."
He looked at her for a minute as if to say "well, no shit."
"I must have used up all my power yesterday from winnowing in all those people. It usually makes me really tired, but It seems I didn't quite make it to my bedroom," he said, studying her.
She felt her power surge throughout her whole entire body, She really needed him to leave.
"Gwyn, are you ok?" He asked, looking into her eyes.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be," she said in a honeyed voice that was not hers.
"Your eyes are glowing," Azriel said in Awe, "like actually glowing."
"Azriel, I need you to leave," she said before she did something she'd regret.
He looked down as if just realizing he was wearing only a towel.
His shadows went to surround him and a faint blush started to creep its way onto his cheeks.
Then his eyes widened and he gave her a knowing smile.
"You're kidding right," he said, his smile growing.
"No, I really need you to leave," Gwyn said, standing up and turning around, so she wasn't facing him.
"Gwyn it's ok really, I know what's happening to you," he said and she barely heard the words he was saying. she just watched from the mirror how his lips moved as he said them.
She turned back around facing him.
She could feel her power take over her body, craving more.
She took a step towards him.
He was still speaking but she was not listening.
She touched his arm with one finger and felt him shiver and he let out a shuddering breath.
Suddenly his shadows were surrounding her in darkness.
When the light started to pour back in she found herself standing next to a lake.
Water, all she could see was water.
The energy buzzing in her was telling her to go to it.
She stepped on the water and right as her power surged to the surface tension keeping her from falling in, the fog in her brain started to clear.
She kept walking on water releasing her energy until she could think straight.
She didn't know where she was but she turned around and found Azriel leaning against a tree, watching her.
Azriel had Quickly changed into some pants and brought Gwyn to a lake.
Excited would be an understatement of what Azriel was feeling.
He watched as Gwyn walked towards him off of the lake.
Because she can fricken walk on water.
He was so fascinated by her.
When she wouldn't tell him of her other abilities, he he went to the library.
He spent all day doing research on water nymphs as well as dodging Gwyn so she wouldn't see what he was doing.
But he did find some very interesting things.
"Where are we?" Gwyn asked, sounding breathless.
"A lake outside of windhaven." He said walking over to her.
"Are you alright?" He asked and she nodded.
"You?" She asked and he laughed.
"What?" She said, crossing her arms.
"I'm sorry, it's just... I cannot believe that is one of your powers."
"Well, it's not like I can control what powers I inherited," she said, then punched him in the shoulder.
"Stop laughing!"
"I'm not," he tried to smother a laugh with a cough.
"But now I understand why you don't tell many people of your powers."
"How did you find out about it anyway?" Gwyn asked, looking at him, and the glow he had just witnessed in her eyes was gone and all that was left was her beautiful teal coloring.
"I went to the library."
"I didn't see you," she paused as if realizing something, "of course I didn't see you. You probably hid in your shadows or something."
She sighed, "please don't tell anyone."
He nudged her with one of his wings and said, "I promise I won't."
"Can we walk back instead of winnowing?" Gwyn asked and Azriel nodded.
They started to make their way back to the camp.
"Your power is very," Azriel cleared his throat and smiled, "affective."
She shot him a glare.
When she touched him, he had never felt more aroused in his entire life, and all she did was touch him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to use it on you, but I don't have control over it. I mean, I don't really know how to get control over it. And unfortunately it has more control over me than I have on it. Sometimes it takes over my body, and I can't think straight," she said and Azriel looked to see that her whole face had turned bright red.
"Yeah, I would assume Indomitable Sexuality is a hard power to control when you haven't had much experience," Azriel said and her face heated even more.
"Don't say it out loud!" Gwyn whisper-yelled, and Azriel laughed.
He was surprised that Gwyn could talk about this stuff with him, after what had happened.
"Cauldron, I didn't even know there was a name for it," Gwyn said, putting her face in her hands.
"It's a cool power though," Azriel said smiling.
"Shut up."
"No, really I think it's cool."
She narrowed her eyes at him.
"I'm sure you would think so too if you knew how to control it."
He had never really thought of Gwyn in a sexual way before, she has always just been a friend.
Now he can't help but think of her sexualy.
Not because he wanted to have sex with her, but because being amazing at sex was literally one of her powers.
He could only imagine how badly Gwyn didn't want this power after what happened to her.
She just needs a positive experience with sex.
He read that in having Indomitable Sexuality, she would have very potent sexual energy, that would be good for distraction if she was ever in trouble.
Or by having sex she would acquire lots of power that is helpful for healing physically and mentally.
Among other things it basically means if Gwyn wanted to have sex, it would be...
There isn't quite a word for how good it would be.
O by the mother he needs to stop think about sex.
"I never really understood it," she snorted and Azriel was happy that she could talk about it, laugh about it.
"Have you ever tried to use it?," he asked.
"What do you mean have I ever used it? Like what am I to do, seduce a tree?"
Azriel laughed like really laughed.
"That would be one lucky tree," he said and Gwyn joined in his laughter.
He loved it when she laughed, she never does it enough, and every time she did, it sounds like music in his ears.
"So any other powers you want to tell me about?" Azriel asked.
"None that you would find in your little water nymph library books," she said and Azriel gave her a confused look.
And she looked right back at him raising her brows as if to say "wouldn't you like to know."
He rolled his eyes and said, "we're back."
They had arrived back at Rhysand's mothers house.
They started to walk in but Gwyn stopped and turned to him.
"Thank you, for helping me," she said.
"Anytime Gwyneth," he said smiling and they walked into the house together.

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