Chapter #39

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"What are you doing?" Azriel asked, tears welling up in his eyes.
"We just wanted to test your healing abilities,'' Drystan said, grabbing his hand.
Alac handed Drystan a Torch and grabbed Azriel's other hand.
"No," Azriel cried trying to free himself, "please, stop!"
The fire moved closer and he couldn't hide his screams. He couldn't stop the searing of his hands, The burning and twisting of his flesh—-
Gwyn shot up gasping for air.
She found herself wrapped in darkness, shadows.
She turned and found Azriel breathing heavily beside her. His shadows swarming them both.
Did she just see into his nightmare?
"What's wrong?" She asked, only able to see his silhouette.
He was shaking and his shadows wrapped tightly around both of them.
"Az?" She asked in the calmest tone she could muster.
His breathing halted as she put a hand where she hoped was his shoulder.
Azriel reminded Gwyn of a quote she read in the library one time.
"I don't need you to light up my world, just sit with me in the dark."
That's what he always did, he surrounded himself in shadows, in darkness. And Gwyn now realized all she could do, all he needed her to do was sit with him, stay with him.
So she scooted closer to him, cupped his cheek and whispered and a voice softer than spring "I am here."
She felt him shudder, and his breathing was starting to even out.
"I am here," she repeated, whispering the words through the darkness, and Because he could not see the emotion written on her face she hoped he could see it through her words.
And Gwyn didn't know how long they stayed like that but she didn't mind if it was hours or days because She would be that person for him.
She would be the person who stayed.
She didn't know what that meant, but she did know how it made her feel.
She felt something glow within her chest and she felt a tug and then gone, though a faint glow remained.
His shadows started to clear. The luminous sunrise seeping through layers of obsidian.
His shadows finally returned to him swirling around his waist, wrists and head.
And she saw him, his eyes laced with shadows and cheeks stained with tears.
Then she uttered his same words back to him because she saw that he was about to break.
"Do you want a hug Az?" She asked looking deep into his eyes.
All his feelings laid bare within them.
He nodded, a tear slipping down his cheek.
She she rose to her knees and he stayed seated on the floor, wrapping his hands around her waist
He buried his head in the spot on her chest near her heart.
Gwyn held him close and threaded her fingers through his hair massaging his scalp.
The shadowsingers hair was so soft, Gwyn had never realized how silken the dark strands really were.
"Thanks," Az said, his voice was hoarse.
Gwyn watched as he looked up at her.
A wide smile broke across his face and a smile came across Gwyn's as well as she finally noticed what was on his face.
In what looked like black paint, a very curly mustache was painted across his upper lip.
He chuckled softly and touched her upper lip, "it seems someone drew a rather tasteful mustache on you last night," he said, still smiling.
Her eyes widened.
She got up and ran over to the mirror.
"Well, at least mine looks cooler than yours," Gwyn said laughing at the mustache and beard painted on her face.
"What?" She heard him say, then he walked up behind her and looked at his paint.
He chuckled.
"You not into mushashe's then?" He asked, touching the paint on his upper lip.
She laughed and he smiled and placed his hands on her hips and placed a kiss on her cheek, as if that was just a normal daily thing for them.
Gwyn froze and Azriel must have noticed because he quickly backed away and said, "I'm sorry—"
"It's ok," Gwyn assured him, "Cassian does it all the time." Which he did but for some reason it felt different when azriel did it.
she paid attention to how his soft lips pressed against his cheek, she wondered how it would feel on other parts of her body—
What is happening?
Gwyn didn't understand this new found feeling.
Azriel nodded and said "I'm sorry about earlier."
"Az, you don't need to apologize, I completely understand. I get nightmares too sometimes," she just realized what she admitted and looked down at the floor.
"Are there any books on how to make them go away?" She heard him ask.
She looked at him and said, "I don't know, I guess we would have to check the library, but that's after we figure out what the hell is going on with that dagger," she said and he frowned.
"Why are you so opposed to calling it "truth teller"?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"Because it's not a cool name, especially because it doesn't tell the truth, in any way," Gwyn said. She did not like the name of his dagger, she told him as much last night. Which resulted in him brooding in silence until Gwyn annoyed the hell out of him and he finally decided to speak.
Gwyn realized whenever Azriel felt a strong emotion he would get quiet and impassive.
"Whatever," he said glaring at her and someone knocked on the door.
Az walked over to open it and it was Nuala and ceederwin.
"What is it?" He asked them and his eyes widened.
They must be speaking into his mind.
"I need to go," he said stepped out of the room.
"What happened?" She asked before he could leave.
"The rebel camps want to talk."
"They want to have a meeting with you both," azriel said.
He had winnowed to the river house and Rhys had quickly summoned everyone.
"It's likely a trap," Cassian said and Mor nodded.
"If they want a meeting so bad then they will do it on our terms," Feyre said and suddenly Nyx was in her arms giggling.
Feyre sighed and smiled, and a ladies maid came rushing in murmuring apologies.
Feyre handed Nyx to her, telling her it was fine.
She quickly left and Rhys laughed and kissed Feyre.
"Sorry he is in a bit of a winnowing stage and has separation anxiety," Rhys said, still smiling, the love shone so brightly in his eyes.
"We will send them the time and place. like Feyre said, if they are desperate then we have the advantage, but we also have to be prepared just in case Koschei is still working with them," Rhys said and they all nodded.
"I will send my people," Azriel said and Rhys nodded.
Azriel looked around realizing that Elain wasn't there.
She wasn't ever usually there for their meetings but as of late she had been coming.
Where was she?

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