Chapter #50

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Alrighty, this chapter is told from Mor's POV. Also most of it is the same conversation just different POV, but it is important, cause Mor has some secrets. Anyway enjoy!
Mor almost spit out her wine at the mention of a powerful sword.
She hadn't heard anyone mention an old made sword in over five hundred years..
Not since—-
She felt Emrie's hand on her thigh.
Mor turned to find Emrie with her brows furrowed.
"Are you ok," she murmured and Mor nodded quickly in reassurance.
Emrie frowned, she didn't seem convinced.
"I'm fine, I promise," Mor added with a chaste kiss to Emrie's lips.
Emrie's checks were now stained with a light blush.
Mor loved that blush.
Emrie nodded and started to pull her hand away from Mor's thigh, but Mor let out a wine of protest.
Emrie huffed a laugh and placed her hand back on Mor's thigh.
"Better?" Emrie asked and Mor sighed in contentment.
"Much, your hand is my favorite accessory."
"You are the cheesiest person I know."
"You love it," Mor kissed Emrie's cheek, and they returned to the conversation.
"We think my dagger could potentially be the made dagger," Azriel said, as impassive as ever.
All Mor could do was blink.
"Truth teller?" Mor asked Azriel and he nodded.
Holy fucking shit.
It wasn't Narben though, it couldn't have been Narben. There is only one person who knows where that sword is.
"Even if that were true, though Gwyndolin is powerful, it is nothing compared to how it would be with its twin sword," Amren added.
"What is its twin sword?" Gwyn asked, and Mor started praying to the cauldron, the mother, and all of the forgotten gods that it wasn't Narben.
"Narben, though that sword is far older than Gwyndolin and far darker and no one has seen it in centuries. Unless..." Amren said, and Mor turned pale.
"I was told a while ago the Amarantha had found a made sword and dumped it in the ocean or destroyed it. I assumed that it was Gwyndolin, but if Azriel's dagger is Gwyndolin and he has had it for the past five hundred years then that couldn't have been the made item she found. It could have been narben."
Yes, yes it was.
Luckily Amrenthana was unable to wield it, and someone took it from her before she could figure out how.
Mor had tried so hard to forget about the God damn sword.
Mor didn't care if that sword could slay Koschei, no one should have the power to wield that much death.
There has to be another way than using the swords.
"What did you mean when you said Koschei hid his death," Mor asked Amren.
"Well, no one is truly immortal. Even a death god, they are just clever on where they hide their death. Koschei has his death hidden separate from his body."
"Surely that can't be true," Gwyn cut in, "I remember reading a story about him hiding his death inside an obscene amount of items in an iron chest, buried on the island of Buyan in the ocean, but that is just a story."
Gwyn was right, Fairy Tales, and stories can't happen. It is the untold stories that hold the truth.
"Well, how do you know about Narben if not from stories?" Amren threw back at her.
Mor was having a crisis, could Amren maybe not start a fight right now.
"That is different. We know for a fact Koschei is alive, and if we were going by the story then he would be dead," Gwyn shot right back.
Damn, Mor could feel the dominance in that statement.
She wondered why no one had mentioned it before.
It was a lot more prominent than Mor thought it would be. Because of Gwyn ancestors, Mor thought her nymph blood would counteract all that dominance, but it was there, full and powerful, as if her nymph blood never diluted it.
She turned to see both Feyre and Rhys go pale, maybe they knew?
"I suppose you're right. We will just have to focus on the swords then."
Wow, that dominance even worked on Amren, shit.
"Swords plural," Mor asked and Amren nodded.
"We would have a better shot at actually killing him with the dagger of life and sword of death combined."
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"What about Ataraxaina?" Nesta questioned.
Yes, if we need a magical sword Nesta has one.
"To be honest, I don't think it would be completely powerful enough to actually kill him, just injure him," Amren said, and Mor was about ready to pummel her.
"What if we used the other made sword Nesta created combined with Ataraxaina?" Rhys asked.
"That is just two death swords. To completely kill Koschei, we would need both forces of life and death," Amren finished taking a drink of her wine.
"So we look for Narben?" Cassian questioned.
No, how about we don't go looking for a fucking death sword!
"How do you go about looking for a sword you have never seen, and have no clue where it is—
Feyre cut herself off, "the stones and bones."
She turned to Nesta, "I know it's dangerous, but—
"I can't," Nesta cut her off, "much of my cauldron made power was depleted and I don't have much of a strong connection, and" she added looking towards Cassian, "I'm pregnant."
Holy shit.
Mor had an override of emotions, she honestly thought she was going to pass out.
Emrie could likely see it written all over her face.
"Mor, are you sure you're alright?"
Mor didn't have the capacity to speak so she simply nodded, refusing to meet Emrie's eyes.
Mor barely heard Emrie excuse them from the table.
Taking one of Mor's limp hands, Emrie led them into the living area.
Once they were alone Emrie sat them down on a couch.
"Mor, you got to talk to me, ok? Tell me what's wrong. What do you need?"
Mor closed her eyes, took a breath and tried to formulate words.
"I don't know what to do," Mor said, a tear slipping through her closed eyes.
"Hey, hey," Emrie pulled Mor close, wrapping her arms around her.
Thank the mother that Emrie knew exactly what she needed. Emrie was currently the only thing holding her together.
Mor cried as softly as possible, trying not to alert anyone.
"you're going to hate me," she whispered, "You're going to hate me so much."
She continued to sob into Emrie's shoulder and Emrie's hand ran up and down her back in soothing strokes.
"Hey," Emrie said softly, tilting up Mor's chin to make their eyes meet.
"I could never hate you," Emrie kissed away one stream of tears on Mor's cheek then the other.
Cauldron, Mor loved Emrie so much. She wanted this forever, this closeness.
But that wasn't possible, not with all the lies she's tangled in.
Mor nodded and said "everyone is going to hate me."
"Why would everyone hate you?"
"Because," Mor said sobbing, "I've been hiding the truth, but I thought... I thought  it would be better if no one knew, but..."
"But what?" Emrie's voice turned worried.
"He's going to kill me."

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