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The throbbing but dull pain enveloping my body but mostly my right side is the first thing that I noticed when I woke up this morning. It's definitely a different way of waking up that I have gotten in of the habit of with instead of the vanilla smell I'm used to, there is a bleach, lemon scent that is almost burning my nose with how rough it is on my sinuses... no, there is something sitting under my nose tickling it... and my body is stiff like I haven't moved at all and I'm hungry, more hungry than I would allow myself on a good day.

What the Hell happened?

I take a deep breath through my nose slowly and crack my eyes open where I totally feel the resistance from them being closed for a long time it seems like when my body feels as if it has rested for days. I blink the blurriness away and look around to see white painted walls instead of my light purple ones and the blankets on my body feel thinner like cheap paper which is odd for Tony. My eyebrows furrow in confusion when I see more white and blue supplies that make me slowly realize that I am in the clinic after my vision evens and the blurriness fades away.

When did I get here?

Before I move anymore and allow the throbbing to sink back down into my back near my shoulder blade, I think back on what I can remember which isn't a lot until I start to actually wake up and then it hits me. I remember Bucky and I drinking slushes at the park, having a casual, everyday conversation in the car and then, we had some rough sex like any other normal day and then, there was a-



HYDRA attacked Bucky and I in an attempt to possibly capture me also like any other normal day at this point it seems like. There was a gunshot then blood- lots of blood. Too much blood and pain, so much red and so much burning. I grimace when look down at my body to see me laying on my back with black leggings and a light pink athletic crewneck on. My right arm in propped up on a pillow next to my side and folded in a thick, black sling that keeps my hand close to my heart. My hair is tied up in a bun with a nasal cannula looped around my ears and blowing oxygen lightly into my nose which is what could've been what was tickling my sinuses. I look down and see my left hand resting on my stomach with tubes taped to the back of my hand that connects me to a clear IV bag with wires come from out of the top of my shirt and hooked up to a machine that constantly beeps and starts to slowly get on my nerves.

A weight on my thighs makes me look down to see Bucky's arms folded on my legs with his head on top and facing my feet as a thin blue blanket covers my body and is in no way trapping heat but his body is keeping me warm in this unreasonably cold room. He's is wearing a dark blue sweatshirt and black sweatpants and he's not asleep either with how deep and big his breaths are, he is just resting his eyes. The thumb moving back and forth on the side of my right leg also tells me he is not sleeping so I guess he hasn't noticed that I've woken up yet because he usually would've heard my breathing change and immediately greet me like he always does in the morning but realizing he is not going to turn his head anytime soon, I lift my slightly heavy hand and move it to his head to run my fingertips through the back of his damp hair. He feels the contact and sits up abruptly to grab my hand and look at me with happy wide eyes that are full of hope.

"You need a haircut, Buck." I whisper and feel my throat scratch with how dry it is

"Oh, doll." Bucky smiles and stands up. "My babydoll." He carefully leans over and puts his hands on my left bicep and right hip to hug me as lightly as possible. "You scared me. God, I'm so happy you're okay." He tucks his head in the crook of my neck to continue whispering different words of love and affection with his voice cracking in between words

"I'm okay." I whisper and his hair smells strongly of his shampoo meaning he probably took a shower recently. "I'm alright, I promise." I feel better after smelling his familiar scent instead of the bleach cleaning scent that slightly turned my stomach

Those Ocean Eyes and That Charming SmileWhere stories live. Discover now