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"Mm!" I hum a gasp when a small nightmare makes me jerk awake that also scares Cass and Aj awake who I forgot were in my bed when they sit up and look all around while I almost laugh at their startled reactions as I manage to wipe the loose hair from my braids back behind my ears

"You okay, Aunt Y/n?" Aj asks me when he sees me and hears my small laughter

"Oh, yeah." I nod. "Sorry, I jerk in my sleep sometimes." I lie

"Like you're falling off a building and you slam into the mattress?" Cass assumes through a yawn

"Exactly." I smile. "Good morning to you..." I lean forward and kiss his cheek that he wide smiles at. "... Good morning to you." I lean back and kiss Aj's cheek that he actually leaned forward to accept. "And happy birthday." I add that makes Cass groan

"I wanted to say it first!" Cass whines and stands up from the bed while Aj laughs and neatly folds his blanket before setting his pillow on top while his brother leaves his tings in my bed

"You had an opportunity." I shrug and watch him walk into my bathroom. "And you can take that opportunity to your own room where you have your own bathroom." I stop him

"But, the toilet is right there!" He whines again but more dramatic

"Cass." I give him a look

"Okay!" He throws his hands in the air. "I'm going." He sighs and head towards my door, forgetting his things but I know he did it on purpose so he can sleep in here again and I am all for it

They bring me comfort.

"I'll be down in a little bit." I smile at Aj who grabs his brother's things

"Take your time." Aj smiles back. "Thanks for last night too, it helped."

"I told you I'll always be here for the two of you." I remind him

"I know." He nods and walks towards my door. "I'll tell Uncle Steve it's a smoothie day." He says as he walks out and shuts the door before I can respond

He knows me so well.


"Kids." I shake my head and stand up from the bed with my hands over my head to stretch like I do every morning but my hands snap down to my vagina when I feel an all too familiar gush and I book it to the bathroom. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I mutter under my breath when I pull my pants and underwear down just in time when that gush of blood drips into the toilet and I tip my head back in a groan. "Fucking great." I sigh and pull of Bucky's sweatshirt to drop it to the ground

I kick off the rest of my clothes and do my business before I stand at the counter to brush my teeth butt ass naked as the cramps start to settle in once I am up and around. As I am lost in my own little world with my mind wondering how bad my cramps are going to be today, my phone suddenly goes off and I roll my eyes, thinking it's probably Steve checking in on me after Aj told him about my nightmare but my eyes widen when I see Bucky's name instead. My heart races like it's the first time we FaceTimed and I quickly set up my phone up against the mirror, not thinking it out when I slide the green button to the side as I lean over and spit out the toothpaste before only seeing my naked chest and Bucky's smirk is when I realize I'm still naked.

"Oh, shit." I blurt out and squat down below the counter. "Hello, my best love! How was your flight?!" I ask while digging through he cupboard to find a tampon

"Hey yourself, my beautiful, gorgeous babydoll." Bucky's smirk deepens and I smile after hearing his laugh. "I didn't expect to see your titties and you spitting out what looks very similar to my cum this morning but, I love it." He says in his flirty tone

Those Ocean Eyes and That Charming SmileWhere stories live. Discover now