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The next morning went by pretty slow with me eating a bowl of Steve's healthy, gross wheat cereals but, Bucky suggested it for the nutrients and added only a little sugar on top which I loved and thanked him for. The team saw me eating but said absolutely nothing after Bucky glared at them all, silently telling them 'not to fucking mention it'. The only two people missing from our bunch were Steve and Sam where I found out that they were gone and told no one when Natasha came running into my room almost knocking Bucky over when he was about to open the door. She was a wreck wondering where the fuck Steve was and I just shrugged but calmed her down, reassuring her that everything is fine and he's not on a mission because JARVIS would've told us if he was. That seemed to calm her down so I helped cook breakfast even though the smell made my stomach turn and flip in uncomfortable ways that made me had to walk away for a moment and let Bucky continue which is why I stuck to the 'old man mush' of a cereal.

Speaking of old man, Bucky is currently laying on my bed with my laptop, still in his sweatpants from the night before. He's watching a video on YouTube but I know his focus is on me as he watches me attempt to recreate one of the prettiest hairstyles I've ever seen in one of my magic books. I bite my lip in concentration as I French braid my hair down the middle but I end the braid early, leaving half of my hair down. I continue to braid my hair down my head without adding sections until I get to the ends and tie it off, fluffing the braid out a little. I add two more smaller French braids on the sides of my head following the same pattern as the first one so I have half of my hair braided back and half of it down in slight curls. I smile at the final product and grab a comb, running the edge of it along my hairline to pull pieces of hair out to frame my face. I set the comb down and walk out of the bathroom wearing a light gray crewneck with black sweatpants matching Bucky's. 

"Hey, beautiful." Bucky greets with a smile

"It doesn't look bad?" I ask hesitantly as I feel the braids

"Not at all." He shakes his head. "You are so gorgeous." 

"Thank you." I smile and drop my hand. "Have you gotten a text from Steve?" I ask

"No." He sighs and shuts my laptop to set it aside. "Sam isn't answering either." He adds, making me frown 

He might've been an ass last night but, I still worry about him and mostly Steve.

"Come here, babydoll." Bucky gets up from the bed and walks over to me to engulf me in a huge, reassuring hug while telling me that they are both okay and they will be home soon. I place my chin on his chest to look up at him and reply to his soft words but, we both furrow our eyebrows at each other when we hear high pitched giggling coming down the hallway that doesn't belong here

"What the Hell?" I mutter as the laughter gets louder and footsteps stomp across the carpeted hallway

"On your right guys!" Sam suddenly shouts in an excited voice

"Was that Sam?" I ask since Bucky has the better hearing

"Definitely was." Bucky nods and we both turn to my door, ready to go and open it when it opens on its own and my two favorite kids from Louisiana come running in with large smiles on their faces

"Uncle Buck!" Aj runs in and right for Bucky who smiles and laughs while opening his arms

"I told you I was counting down the days, Y/n!" Cass runs for me and throws his arms around my waist

"My babies!" I grunt a laugh from the impact of his hug. "Uh, shit." I mutter as I stumble but before I can fall back from his momentum, Bucky shoots his hand out and pushes me back on my feet, stopping my stumbling. "Thanks." I sigh and glance at him

Those Ocean Eyes and That Charming SmileWhere stories live. Discover now