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"Ugh." A groan is gurgled up my throat and passes through my lips, parting them in disappointment as I wake up to the very annoying alarm sounding through my room at what I call this ungodly hour but is really just early morning

I'm already grumpy from not getting a book update so it seems like I'll never know what happened to the main character after she was stabbed in the stomach, died in her lover's arms, went to heaven, came back unexpectedly that caused a seizure in front of her nephew and was medically induced in another coma as crazy as that fucking sounds but the chapter made me ugly cry. It makes being a morning person suck worse as I debate on playing the dangerous game of hitting snooze, sleeping to wake up at a different time, and missing my work shift but, something tells me I have to go in and it makes me roll my eyes under my eyelids. Another sigh and I am finally rolling out of my bed to sit on the edge for a moment to let all the blood circulate in my body correctly before I turn off my phone and toss it on my pillow.

My room is back to pure silence except for the birds chirping outside of my balcony doors that let the harsh, morning sun rays beat down on my twin sized bed. It warmed me up some as I stand from my bed and lazily stomp to my closet so I can put on a pair of black sweatpants that are cinched at the ankle and a plain white crop top with a small sunflower embroidered on the chest. I brush my hair and leave it down to put on my coat that I will take off right as I get inside because of how warm it runs in the bookstore since my coworker has never heard of AC it seems like. I do what I have to in the bathroom like brush my teeth, think about what I am doing with my life, and slap my hand on the light switch to turn it off, and I do the same to my bedroom light after I grab my phone and wallet that I am refusing to forget again.

I can't handle another embarrassing moment like that.

Apparently, the mirror in my bedroom is not cleaned when I pass the one in the dining room and see how much of a lion's mane I have on my head and is trying to pass as a new hairstyle. I sigh and with a snap of my fingers, navy blue magic fills my hair in stringy, vines of bright sparkling waves that curl my hair and tame it down so it looks like I am fresh out of the salon with shiny, smooth hair in beach waves with added volume so my head doesn't look like a straight up circle. My eyes drift down to my weapon of choice which is a dagger and my lace thigh strap on the table and I reach out my hand to grab the dark, maroon colored handle and wave my hand over my leg to summon the strap on my right thigh.

"Hm." I hum as I pull the band of my sweatpants from my waist and flip the knife in my hand to sheathe it in the holster and now, I feel like I am ready for work with my forgetful, sleep laced mind.

I grab my laptop off the table and swing it around my shoulder as I open my apartment door and lock it behind me before walking down to the elevator that is not occupied this time. I lean on the back wall with my hands shoved in my pockets and my ankles crossed all alone in the elevator but I couldn't care less. After Luca, I am so inverted in myself, it takes everything in me just to ask for extra ketchup at a restaurant like a self proclaimed rambunctious teenager that promises they will swing on anyone but refuses to get a water cup from the cashier who forbids them from filling it up with soda instead.

They shy away.

I wait quietly with my thoughts that keep me company until the elevator doors open and I step out to see the overwhelming amount of people walking in and out of the building today. It's a normal amount but there are kids jumping all around doing cartwheels and somersaults across the carpet that was steam cleaned yesterday but is definitely dirty from the third shift workers tracking in their dusty and muddy shoes. Me being in my shell, my knuckles turn white at the grip my hand has on the strap around my shoulder and I revert into the tense shoulder, mall walk ego to attempt and make it past all of the people huddling to get to their mailbox across the lobby.

Those Ocean Eyes and That Charming SmileWhere stories live. Discover now