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A week and a half has passed by since that dreadful, awful mission and Tony hasn't let me go on any missions because of all the missing memories that include trigger words and habits so I don't go full Winter Soldier on them as stupid as it sounds but I know he is worried with how sensitive he has been since that day. They said it wouldn't be a big deal because they already have a plan in set for Bucky incase he ever switches but they're just making sure so I get it. Tony also gave me a custom bracelet he made that night to wear that has a tracking device in it and if anything happens- God forbid, he can disable my magic which I don't know how that works but it sounds draining along with the fact that I'm not allowed to take it off and couldn't if I tried as it sits on my left wrist, looking like a regular bracelet but made out of vibranium and painted black.

I haven't had any bad days surprisingly except for when I go to bed and the nightmares strike. It was fine at first, just a simple shadow walking beside me but it quickly turned into flashbacks that had me screaming awake in the middle of the night. Bucky was a real sweetheart and immediately wrapped me in his arms, calming me down and telling me it wasn't real and I wasn't there anymore. We sat on my bed as he rocked me back asleep, whispering words of comfort and never let me out of his arms for the rest of the night. Clint's words and apple slices really helped me get back to acting like everything was normal as well but of course, there is that lingering doubt in my mind but it quickly goes away when the team also acts like nothing happened and doesn't look at me any differently.

Speaking of Clint, we ended up spending more time together when Bucky and Steve went out on their runs or trained and on one of those days, Clint knocked on my door and asked if he could teleport and I was beyond excited when I jumped off my bed, running to the elevator with Clint jogging behind me in laughter. I set up an area for us using the Five Twenty Method just like the rest of the team minus Peter, Tony, and Bruce. He was a little worried at first but quickly got the hang of it and only got a little dizzy and after he did eventually recover, he wanted to teleport across the tower so we spent time in the SHIELD cafeteria, scaring almost everyone around us which quickly became a game when we would teleport into the vents and crawl through to find highly populated areas and then teleport in front of the group, scaring everyone.

Right now, I sit on the crescent shaped, red couch in the living room, watching different Disney and Pixar movies because I was blessed with my period three days ago, ugh. The cramps aren't bad but the mood swings and cravings send Bucky up the fucking wall which made me laugh at how confused he got when I was screaming at him one moment then immediately cried when I felt bad and he had absolutely no idea what to do except for grab my computer and do some heavy research after he got me settled down. As I am cuddled in a fluffy blanket I conjured and the panda from mine and Bucky's date, now waiting for him to come home with food, the elevator opening and heavy footsteps that I haven't heard in over two weeks makes me pause my movie.

"Thor?" I ask and turn my head to see him walking in with his big smile. "Thor! You aren't supposed to come back for another week!" I smile through my happy greeting

"Yes, but when Heimdall told me about your past that has finally surfaced, I had to come back immediately to bring some happiness." Thor replies and comes over to the right side of the couch with many books stacked in his large hands

"You didn't have to do that." I frown and sink lower into the cushions when that dark cloud reminds me it will always be over my head

"Of course, I did!" He booms his countering words as he sits down next to me which bounces the cushions slightly. "You gave me those Oreos fries and I wanted to return the favor." He smiles wide

"Thor." I laugh and cross my legs while setting my panda in the space between them. "They're called 'fried Oreos' but I'm glad you liked them."

"Ah, yes." He rolls his eyes playfully at my correction he always appreciates because he always wants to get the language and 'lingo' here right so he doesn't seem too out of place. "But, I have talked to my brother and mother about you and your mystic abilities, little one." He lifts an eyebrow at me

Those Ocean Eyes and That Charming SmileWhere stories live. Discover now