54: The Fate of Earth

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He tried to get back to her, but the Junior was insistent on keeping him to itself.

Niya looked around and saw that everyone was fighting a Junior except for her. Weren't there eight of them? Then, her question seemed to be answered as she felt a sharp pain in her back. She cried out as she skidded a few feet.

Niya recovered and just barely pulled herself to feet before she was kicked in the jaw, making her stumbled on her bottom. In front of her, the Junior giggled evilly. It would make she would suffer and die just like its father wanted.

From below, Cell got an idea. He drove his fist through the shield, no longer amused, and pulled Kusuke out. The whole shield obliterated as the saiyan struggled against him. He held Kusuke to the ground and began punching him across the face over and over, blood soon spurting out.

"Get angry, Gohan! Save your friend!" Cell grinned wickedly.

Gohan was devastated. "Stop it!" he cried, tearing spilling, "Don't hurt him!"

Cell frowned and only punched Kusuke harder. Once he saw him to be a bloody, struggling mess, he dropped Kusuke to the ground. He seemed to gasp for breath.

Cell turned to Gohan, upset his plan wasn't working. "You're pathetic. All you can do is watch and cry? I should just kill the brat and destroy the rest of the planet already."

"N-No! Please, wait!" Gohan insisted. "I can... I can do it! I-I can snap!"

Cell watched with disgust at Gohan pathetically try to force himself to be stronger. He shook his head and turned to the fighters, at least getting some amusement in their suffering.

Gohan sank to his knees. He was struck with inner turmoil, angry at himself for not being able to be the fighter he needed to be.

"G... Gohan."

The devastated boy turned to see it was Kusuke. His hair reverted to black, as well as his eyes, which were bruised.

Kusuke coughed blood before trying to speak again. "I know you don't like... fighting," he started weakly, "but Cell isn't gonna... stop. You... are so strong and... amazing. It's okay to... kill Cell... The jerk face deserves it." He weakly chuckled. "So, Gohan... if you wanna be a scholar like you... always wanted to, you have to... fight. Not only for you, but... for everyone. I... I want my baby sis to... grow up... You have to... You can... save us... Fight and... win for the good guys, ey?" He swallowed, trying to stay conscious. He offered a weak smile, "Blow us all away with your... amazing talent... Then... I can tell everybody how... awesome my best buddy is..."

Cell was listening, but rolled his eyes at the last part.

Gohan was crying, wishing with every fiber in his body to release his anger and grow strong enough to beat Cell.

But Cell wasn't having it. "Enough nonsense," he went over and grabbed Kusuke by the neck. "Say farewell, 'best buddy'."

Gohan's eyes widened and he looked up at them, but it was too late. He froze at the snap of Kusuke's neck. His lifeless body fell to the ground.

That was it. That was the snap.

Gohan rose to his feet and yelled as loud as his lungs would let him. Anger coursed through his every fiber. It consumed him as his ki skyrocketed to unseen new heights.


Niya groaned as she was kicked up against a boulder. Her whole body burned with bruises and cuts and mostly likely broken bones as well. Her neck burned, and she looked down to see the Red Jewel blinking quickly. Before she could cover it with her hand, the Cell Junior attacking her saw it.

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