13: Something New

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The pretend couple gave the happy news to the ecstatic big brother and mother. When Niya asked him about staying at Capsule Corp, he told her it was alright, but warned Trunks about being careful with his little sister. Trunks awkwardly agreed he would, then Kusuke and Noemi took their leave.

And so, Niya returned to her life at Capsule Corp with Bulma and Trunks. It felt strange after not being there for about a year, and she felt guilty about her primary reason for staying. Even so, Niya was happy to once again be with the hard-working genius-scientist and her best friend.

Bulma went as far as to cook a special dinner, in which she refused any of Trunks or Niya's assistance. They both insisted that it wasn't so special, but Bulma brushed them off and told them to go enjoy their time as a couple together. Both Trunks and Niya felt guilty for the lie, but didn't insist any further, and they let her be.

The two returned to Trunks' room, where they sat down on the bed awkwardly next to each other.

Niya turned to him and gave him a smile, "Well, it's nice to be back here. I missed this place." Despite Capsule Corp being in ruins, they made it their home. They didn't need anything luxurious to be happy.

"Yeah?" Trunks glanced at her. After she nodded, he said, "I'm sorry you were stuck at home for so long. And... I'm sorry I didn't see you. I was also told I couldn't. And I wanted to surprise you since I've been practicing Japanese."

Niya returned her gaze to the ground. There was a light smile on her lips. "It's okay. You don't need to say sorry. You're very kind, Trunks."

The half-saiyan curiously looked at her. But seeing her smile brought one upon his own lips. He reached over and held her hand, "I'm glad I get to see you again."

The girl felt guilt eat at her stomach. She felt a sharp sting course through her body and squeeze her heart. Her throat felt hot again.

Niya smiled at him, pushing down her feelings. "Me too."

They saiyans eventually settled to resting on the bed in silence. Words didn't need to be spoken; each others' presence was enough. And Niya didn't want to say anything more, or else she felt like she was going to burst into tears from the guilt. She just wanted to be happy with her friend; she didn't want anything to change between them, so she remained silent.

Niya did what she often did when they were together -- she played with Trunks' hands. She ran her fingertips across his palms, aimlessly tracing and feeling his calloused fingertips. She admired how he was always working, whether it be training on his own or helping his mother with her inventions. Her fingers had lost that calloused practice from lack of training and helping with inventions, too.

Even so, Trunks' hands were delicate -- at least to her. When he was with her, his touch was warm and smooth. He was always gentle with her, and she loved his tranquility, especially in those moments where he'd let her mess with his hands.

Niya only stopped when she felt Trunks flinch. Curiously, she looked at where she touched him and saw his knuckles were purple-red. She gasped at the sight, and Trunks pulled away. He sat up, and she followed.

Trunks sighed. "I already know what you're going to say. I need to be more careful and--"

"Let me see your hands again," Niya interrupted gently.

Trunks was taken aback but obliged.

Once his hands were in hers, Niya took a deep breath and began her work. Her hands glowed with crimson energy, and it spread around Trunks' hands. Once the energy faded, his knuckles were healed.

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