12: Conflicted Emotions

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Once a week, Niya went out to go buy more plants that reminded her of the young man. To avoid having to explain herself, she woke up early in the morning to do so. She didn't know why she went through the trouble, but it made her happy to see that her "Sorry Presents" were gone the next day. The same routine followed for the next few weeks.

Throughout the days, Niya found herself thinking about the young man. She often pictured his blue eyes and heard his soothingly composed voice.


Niya snapped out of her daydreams and turned to her brother. "Yes?"

Kusuke curiously eyed her as his daughter was walking around her aunt, clapping her paint stained hands in gleeful amusement. Around them, paper was scattered about, and instead of planting her hands on the paper, she went did so on the wood floor.

"Noemi, don't do that!" Kusuke turned to her and lifted her from the ground. She simply laughed and planted her hands on his face, staining it in green and blue paint.

The young father simply sighed and let his daughter paint him as she wished instead of doing so on the house floor or walls.

Kusuke returned his attention to his sister, who was painting a blue circle on a blank piece of paper.

"Sis?" he tried again. "You alright?"

Niya snapped out of her trance and turned to him. "Hm?"

Kusuke's brows furrowed in worry. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Niya smiled. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Her brother wasn't convinced. "You keep spacing out. Something on your mind?"

He could tell? For some reason, Niya began to feel guilty and embarrassed. She had a secret that she had told no one about. Could she really tell him? What would he say? Would he get angry?

Niya bit down on her thumb as she took a moment to think of what she would say. "You see," she nervously began, "I... Okay, first, you can't tell anyone."

Kusuke nodded. "Alright."

Niya took a breath. "Kusuke, I think that I like--"

"I knew it!" her brother finished, seemingly ecstatic. "Dad told me everything about you two!"

Niya was wide-eyed and speechless. "You... know?" She felt her stomach drop.

"Of course!" Kusuke nodded. "It's so obvious that you and Trunks like each other!"

For some reason, she felt relief and her body loosened up. She hadn't realized how tense she was. But he brought up another person she thought of often -- Trunks. She hadn't seen him since her birthday, but the kiss still lingered on her lips sometimes.

Niya wanted to say the young man's name instead, but not even she was sure. How could she? It'd be so inappropriate. How could she -- a teen -- be romantically involved with an adult? Was he an adult? He looked young, but she had no idea of his age.

At her thoughts, she quietly hissed as the Red Jewel began to increase in heat. Why was it doing that? Could it understand her conflicted emotions? Was it punishing her for the lie she would tell?

Niya nodded and gave a small smile at her brother. "Y-Yes. I think that I like... Trunks."

Kusuke grinned. "Wow! You hear that, Emi?" he spoke to his daughter. "Auntie Niya has a crush!" Noemi simply laughed at his enthusiasm and continued splattering his face. He set her down to sit on his knee.

"So," Kusuke began with a smirk, "something happened on your birthday, right? You two were alone for quite some time. And when Trunks didn't stay over, I figured something was up. So, spill!"

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