23: Tomorrow, Tomorrow

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Niya blushed, feeling tingly throughout her whole body. He was so close. His lips...were a head tilt away. "Lapis...," she breathed out.

"I'm no good. I'm scum, a creation of Earth's hatred," Lapis started, "but I still want to be selfish."

Niya was confused. "Lapis...what are you talking about?"

"I'm being selfish," he continued, "by wanting to be with someone like you."

Niya's heart thudded hard against her ribs. "You want to...be with me?"

Lapis' grip tightened on her shoulders. "I know it's not fair to ask this of you, given how I've been gone all these months," he said. "You see now that I'm scum, that I'm dangerous. How do you feel about me now?"

Niya felt like she might faint. Was this really happening? Her dreams, her desires were all in front of her.

Her eyes watered, and she smiled. "You're not scum," she insisted, "and you're not dangerous. You're just confused. This world...is full of so many terrible things. But, I know one day, there will be peace and happiness. And...I want that with you, Lapis."

Lapis' grip on her shoulders loosened. "Niya..."

She had never seen his eyes so soft before. But she could see pain was behind them as well. She smiled and pressed her hands on his face. "Lapis," she blushed. "Will you kiss me?"

To her surprise, Lapis chuckled. "No," he replied. "Not yet."

"Not yet?" Niya was taken aback. "When?"

"On a certain someone's special day," he answered.

Niya couldn't help but feel like he was amused. She furrowed her brows. "What does that mean?"

Lapis leaned to press his lips against her forehead before pulling back. "Have you forgotten what tomorrow is, after all that pestering you gave me about it?"

"Tomorrow?" the saiyaness tilted her head.

Lapis slipped his hands into his pockets, composing himself. He wore an amused expression. "I suppose I'll let you figure it out. And when you do, I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow."

Niya bit her thumb in thought. What was he talking about?

Lapis chuckled. "Now that I've got your gears turning, I should be going. Eighteen doesn't really like it here."

Niya gasped. "You have to go already?"

"Relax," he assured. "You'll have me for as long as you want tomorrow."

Niya blushed. "I will?"

A small smirk mused Lapis' lips. "Yes. Now, until tomorrow then." He gave her a small wave before putting his hand back into his pocket and walking up the hill.

Niya watched with paralyzing astonishment. Did that just happen? she questioned herself. She felt up at her forehead. He had kissed it. On purpose. Because he wanted her. He liked her just how she liked him...

The saiyaness found herself grinning and stifling a laugh. She put her hands over her mouth and sat down. She was so giddy she was shaking. Tomorrow, she blushed, she would be with Lapis for as long as she wanted. And he said he would kiss her tomorrow as well.

She couldn't wait. She wished she could speed up time to tomorrow. She wanted Lapis by her side already, holding her, kissing her.

Niya took a deep breath. It would have to wait until tomorrow, she smiled to herself. She placed her hands over her heart. Things were turning around. At last, she could be with Lapis the way she wanted to.

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