17: Blossoms

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Niya thought all night about the young man, too excited to fall asleep. But at some point, she did, because the next thing she knew, the morning sun was greeting her.

She immediately jumped out of bed. What was the time! She grabbed an old clock on her night stand. The hands pointed to 9:13. She let out a breath of relief and set it down.

I still have a few hours before it's time to meet him, Niya smiled. It faltered when her heart thumped hard against her ribs. She placed her hand over her heart and blushed. What am I feeling? Why is my heart this way?

A knock on the frame of the door snapped her out of her thoughts, and she turned to see who was there.

"Hey," Trunks greeted. "How are you feeling?"

Niya noticed he was still timid around her. He was last night when she returned. Why was he acting strange? She slightly dug her nails into her palm. Did her Great Ape form scare him? Or worse, did she almost kill him? She hated when they were weird around each other.

Niya gave him a smile, "I feel great! What about you?"

Trunks returned a small smile, "That's good. I-I'm good. Too." He gave a nervous laugh.

Niya stared curiously but held her smile. "Have you been up for a while?" she started making her bed.

"Kind of," Trunks replied. "Mom's gonna make breakfast soon. She's caught up in her machines right now."

"Oh, okay. Maybe we should help out," Niya pulled her hair into her in a low ponytail.

"I asked Mom earlier, but she didn't want me to," Trunks leaned against the door frame with a slight frown.

Niya raised a brow. "That's weird. Do you think it's that super secret project she's been working on?"

"Probably," Trunks answered. "I wonder why she won't tell us."

Niya pouted, "Me too. I wanna help. I like working on projects with her."

"Me too. But we just have to wait for her, I guess," Trunks sighed and sat down on her bed before laying down.

Niya sat down beside him. She looked down at her bare feet, stealing a few glances at Trunks. He seems really out of it today... Oh, I know! She smiled and stood, "How about we make our own breakfast? And then, we can go out and train! What do you think?"

The half-saiyan sat up in surprise. "You really want to train with me?"

Niya nodded, "Yep!" Her smile faltered a bit, "It's been a while since I've trained... but, I wanna get back on track!"

Trunks glanced at her shimmering Red Jewel. The collar itself, made of some sort of black leather, had managed to stretch with her during her transformation of a Great Ape. It didn't do anything during that time, strangely to him.

The saiyan girl noticed his stare and looked down. She wrapped her fingers around the jewel to hide it. "I'm okay now," Niya assured him. "I promise I won't hurt you like that time..." She felt guilt rush through her at the memory of almost killing Trunks. It was a good thing her father stopped her.

As she promised him, she felt the jewel burn up. Niya lightly bit her bottom lip, trying to ignore the pain. Why was it burning up? She wasn't lying; she meant what she said. She didn't want to hurt Trunks. But... all the sneaking around with Lapis...

Niya lightly shook her head and put on a smile for Trunks. She wouldn't sink into a rabbit hole of thoughts like that. She wanted to have fun with Trunks, to smile and laugh with him like they used to. "So, what do you say? I'll cook for you!"

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