20: Seasons

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"I'm... really sorry."

Trunks sat on the floor, leaning against Niya's bed. She laid on the bed, her body facing towards him. She was curled up, staring blankly at the wall.

Niya shakily sighed, "It's... not your fault, Trunks."

The half-saiyan couldn't stand it anymore. She, and her father and Aunt, wore sorrowful looks. They hardly spoke. At least, around him. Were they angry at him? He couldn't stop the question from gnawing at him, and he couldn't stop trembling. He had never seen a person die so up close like that. Especially not one he knew.

Trunks stole a glance at Niya and was surprised to see she had sat up. What baffled him was the weary smile on her face. "Niya...?"

The saiyaness pulled the messy hair from her face away. "My Father and Auntie said that Mother was going to die soon," she confessed. "That's why I was staying here longer. So I could be with her before she..." She trailed off, hoping Trunks would see her point.

Trunks wasn't sure how to feel.

"Even if you went to go get help," Niya started, "it would have been too late and too powerful for Auntie to help."

Trunks stared at her face, trying to read her emotions. Her voice was soft and sounded a bit hollow.

When Niya had been told the news, she hadn't cried. She went into a quiet and pensive state, but that was all. And frankly, Trunks hadn't been able to produce many words himself since.

Trunks stood and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay... to cry," he assured quietly.

There was a moment of silence and stillness.

Niya suddenly gripped Trunks in a tight embrace. "Oh, Trunks...," she at last cried. She choked on a breath and then sobbed into him.

Trunks was still for a moment, but then rubbed her back soothingly. He was glad she wasn't angry at him, and that their previous kiss wasn't holding them back now. They were friends, best friends. That was what Niya needed. A friend to help her mourn the loss of her Mother.

"... I'm here," Trunks gently assured. He hoped he was helping.

Niya sniffled, "Y-Yeah... Thank you..."

I love you, Trunks wanted to say. But maybe, by saying he was here for her, he already did.

Niya decided to stay home for a while, and Trunks understood. Death was hard. He could only imagine losing his own Mother to understand Niya's sorry, but the idea was overwhelming. Bulma was the only biological family he had left.

His Grandparents and Father were killed by the Androids. He couldn't understand the pain of losing them, as he had never the chance to cherish them. He couldn't lose what he never had in the first place.

"Okay," Trunks nodded to her. "I'll see you around, then."

Niya leaned against the door frame. "Yeah," she wore a small smile. "Visit whenever."

Trunks returned the smile, "You, too. Mom and I will miss you."

Niya then gently closed the door behind her. She slowly walked closer up to Trunks, much to his surprise. He was still as she placed her hands on his shoulders. She was taller than him, so she leaned down to kiss his cheek.

She pulled away and folded her hands in front of her. "I'll miss you, too," she replied quietly.

Trunks couldn't help but think of how cute her shy smile was at that moment. To mask his coloring cheeks, he scratched his head. "Uh, I'm going now. Until we meet again," he gave a small wave before taking off back to Capsule Corp.

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