1: Standing There

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She saw him that day.

It was one of the very few days she actually went into town. Her family strictly kept her isolated from the terrible world. However, she never thought of it as terrible. They had no hope, no trust, felt no happiness going to the city. They said it was always a risk going through because the Androids could be anywhere. As they grew nearby, Nakusuke -- Kusuke, preferably -- used the collar with the Red Jewel to sense out the Androids. That day had been one of those lucky days.

She smiled as she awaited the arrival to the city. It was only her and her big brother. Even though she didn't understand the Earthlings' language, she was still excited to greet new people. A change was all she wanted. Remaining at the house was almost torture.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the fresh air as it slipped through her wavy, crimson locks. Kusuke, as well as the rest of her family, took her out by car. She was always in awe of it being able to float from the ground.

The eight-year-old crimson haired girl grew impatient. "Big brother... how much longer?"

He chuckled. "Only a little more, Princess." He glanced at her. "How about you lower down to Base Form? People stare if you stick out too much."

The little Princess frowned. "Is that why no one uses Phase Zero...? Because people are looking?"

Kusuke sighed. "We've just gotten used to our Base Forms. Our Phase Zero Form might be rusty."

That brought her great sorrow. "Why can't we just be ourselves? I just want people to happy, just like they were before, right?" she smiled up at her brother.

He kept his eyes on ths road, but he managed to see a small smile. "Yeah. The humans are an interesting race, full of so many different kinds of people and so many places to explore."

"I want to meet that Earth," she said.

Kusuke flinched. "Hopefully, one day, kid."


The bright girl was practically bouncing in her seat when the city came into view and they stopped in a shopping center. She turned expectedly to her brother. He exited the car, walked all the way around, and unbuckled her seat belt. Her giggling filled the air as she bounced on the seat, her arms out in front.

Kusuke grinned, "You never change." He placed his arms under hers and lifted her to his chest. He faked a painful groan and set her down in front of him.

"YAY!" She twirled around in her black skirt, white shirt, and brown wool boots. Now that she lowered down to Base Form, she looked like a normal eight year old with wavy, black hair, except for all the excitement.

Although people glanced and gave strange looks, they kept going about their day.

Kusuke had been looking around for the store, then face palmed when he realized it was right in front of them.

However, as the young girl twirled in the fresh and long awaited air, she felt a stronger presence. And it was just still. She turned to the left, curious. But she met the eyes of a boy. He had kind blue eyes and lavender hair in a bowl cut. He wore an oversized green sweater and some shorts. It was interesting to see a boy her age.

The boy was just standing there, staring, so she assumed he was shy. Oh, she hoped so very badly they could be friends! Excited, she smiled and waved. The boy continued to stare, but he had a sparkle in his eyes, like he was witnessing magic. And she saw it. Hope. It was flashing in his eyes. It was a spectacular view! Finally, she saw it in his eyes. She knew he was special then, and that they would cross paths once again. The thought made her content. Fate was a funny thing.

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