END - 64: For My Family

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"I can't believe I share the same birthday with my brother. And we aren't even twins..."

"I know. What are the chances?"

"0.0002 percent."

Jewel laughed. "Did you do the math?"

"No, I looked it up," Niko answered. "I don't trust myself with math like that."

She shook her head with a smile. "So are you guys gonna have like a party or something?"

The two teens walked closely side-by-side on the sidewalk, walking home from school. They were often depicted as a couple, but both insisted that they weren't dating.

"Yeah, I think so," Niko sighed. "Trunks went to go train with the Supreme Kai again, and he says he'll back for our birthdays. And apparently, he'll be staying for good when he comes back."

"Oh, that's nice. Am I invited?" Jewel smiled.

Niko glanced away and blushed. "Sure. But make sure Rasber comes, too. I don't want my demon siblings to keep calling you my girlfriend when we aren't... Ya know."

Her face flushed slightly as well. "Oh. Right."

He leaned forward so his bangs were completely covering his eyes. "But yeah. I'd still want you to be there. Birthday parties are awkward. My Mom and my Grandma take so many pictures..."

She giggled. "Pictures? Why haven't I seen them?"

Niko flinched. "Uh! Because they... don't exist!!"

Jewel smirked. "Sure. Okay. I'll make sure to take lots of pictures then."

"Jewel!!" Niko protested.

She laughed and enjoyed hearing him talk as well.


(October, Age 795)

Niko looked in the mirror and thought about getting a haircut. He usually let his bangs hang down his forehead, almost over his eyes. The rest of his hair reached the base of his neck.

He sighed at the mess that was his hair and ran his fingers through to pull it back. Accidentally, it settled the left like a comb over. He blinked at not feeling his hair on his face.

Niko wondered if Jewel would like it that way. He stopped and blushed before hurrying out of the bathroom before he changed his mind.

He awkwardly went to sit for breakfast with his siblings.

"Your hair is different!" Tarron pointed at him.

He blushed. "Yeah..."

Tetsu stared curiously.

Touka smiled.

Niya chuckled at their reactions before walking over to kiss her eldest's forehead. "I think you look handsome."

"Mom," he groaned, turning red.

"He's looking handsome for his girlfriend!" Tarron teased.

"Jewel is not my girlfriend!"

"I didn't say it was Jewel, but you still said her name," Tarron crossed her arms with a teasing grin.

"So cute," Touka giggled.

Niko wanted to turn invisible or cease to exist. "Whatever," he turned away, embarrassed.

Niya was excited for her son, but she knew he was overwhelmed. "Alright, kids. That's enough. Eat up before you're late for school."

Tarron wanted to keep teasing her brother but her mother chastised her and they all ate. Soon, the kids were leaving for school.

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