A long way from here

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Josephine (pov)

Once I made it to my job I immediately look at the place and started cleaning it up, from what I could tell my coworkers are animals and don't clean the place before leaving, now me taking the morning shifts this is what I do now.

What a total bummer for me working at a coffee shop.

Going inside and Making my way behind the counter I started makings expresso shots because I'm so tired right now it's honestly upsetting, the time goes by in what seems like no time, other workers started coming in so I'm not by myself anymore and people of the streets seemed to make there way in I'm making my way to the front to take another coffee order.

"Hi I'm Josephine what can I get for you to-"
As I looked up the most Gorgeous man I had ever seen stared up at me, with green eyes and the nicest jawline I seen in a good minute, while wearing all black is making me melt to the floor.

"Hi Josephine can I get a latte pls " his British accent is pronounced and I was gonna ask him about it

"Hi so I have a question if you don't wanna answer it's cool"

"Go ahead ask away"

"Are you from London because I can hear it in your voice and it's nice" not trying to sound creepy and give him a shy smile to say don't mind me.

"Yes I am from London and let me guess you're from Australia I can tell by your accent," he says this with a sexy smirk which makes me wanna drop right there.

"You do know that's London is a long way from here and yes I'm from Australia, sorry for the wait I'll get your latte out to as soon as I can"

"Okay Josephine," he says this with a smile I walk away blushing

We ended up talking to each other while I was on break, after a while, I started to understand him and wanted to get to know him more.

"So Josephine I have things to do and I gotta do them fast, so I'll catch you next time," he says with a smile

"Yeah next time" making sure the sureness was in my voice

"Ok sweetheart I'll see you around," he said while waking out of the store leaving me standing there in the most visible daydream.

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