Twins part 2...

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Hero's (POV)




That's the only thing in my brain processing over and over again, I don't know what to think whether to be happy or upset I mean Elijah is only a baby, and having two more would do no good more my self at least not right now.

Coming out of my daze I look at Jo and realized she is crying balling her eyes out and I can't do anything about it because I'm fucking stuck like it's glue at the bottom of my fucking feet and all I want to do is just move.

"Hero, baby can you pls say something I'm scared right now and I don't know what to do," she says her voice cracking with every word.

" I know this is not what you wanted because you have Elijah and I only came in your life a while ago but we can figure something out" her body is raking with sobs which don't make my pain lessen.

I finally snap out of whatever I was in but my heart is still pounding in my chest but I can deal with it by at least getting to talk.

"Josephine calm down come here," I say to at least calm her down.

She moves cautiously towards my way and then collapses right on my chest and continues to break down, this girl right here is my world my everything I love her for fuck sake but I haven't had the chance to tell her which I will eventually but just need to get the courage to say the 3 words.


No response



There it is

"you don't have to cry sweetheart I'm right here with you this whole journey I'll be there holding your hand, rubbing your belly whatever you need me to do I'll be there by your side," I say

She cry's even more and I carry her to the couch to sit there with her in the silence of her home, this goes on for another hour of us just sitting and being quiet until I hear quiet sniffles meaning she is about to start probably talking.

"I'm so sorry hero for all of this I probably messed up your life at that moment I'm so sorry if you don't wanna be here for me and the babies you don't have to I'm not begging on my fucking knees," she says

"Jo I'm here didn't you hear me earlier you probably didn't after all that crying"

She hits my arm laughing a little but I continue

" but imma be there  for your and my baby's through the whole journey you can count on me"
I say in all honesty.

"Ok Mr baby daddy"

"Alright Ms baby momma"

She looks up at me with her bright blue and grayish eyes and I'm lost in them like they captured me and lured me in and Can't get out, I lean in and capture her lips with mine we moved our lips slow and gradually grow faster like we're in a marathon our breaths our haggard and it's getting harder to breathe but eventually, we start to pull away from each other and I look back into her eyes and the three words I been meaning to say since the beginning comes out.

"I love you so much, Josephine Langford"

Her eyes light up like seeing a million fireworks at once and I know at that moment I did love her.

" I love you too Hero Beauregard Faulkner Tiffins"

I think my heart just about burst out of my chest I've been wanting to hear those words from her since I've met her and I finally got to hear it, I look back down at her and her smile is so intoxicating that I just can't help to kiss her again.

We break the kiss and I lean Down to start talking to her belly.

" Hi babies I know you're not  developed enough to understand me but I just wanted to tell you two that I love y'all so much and I will be here for y'all and mama always I can't wait for these months to go by and then y'all come out we're gonna have so much fun because we all know I'm gonna be the funny parent" Jo laughs.
"Anyways I can't wait to meet y'all baby's me and momma love you" I end my sentence with kisses to her stomach then lean back up to Jo and kiss her  again And again and again.

"I love you mamas"

I love you more Mr mysterious"

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