The gender is....

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The next morning...

Today is the day when we finally get to know the gender of the babies, I know I'm excited too but Josephine is off the rooftops with the excitement that fills today and I can't be happier for her. All night she was humming a slight tune never able to catch any sleep that came her way just trying to avoid the closure of her eyes.

"Baby you must fall asleep this isn't good for you and the babies, catch some rest," I say to her

"I can't Hero," she says back

"Why not"

"Because we're going to see the babies tomorrow," she says then gets up and starts dancing.

I just laugh at her foolishness.

"Yes love we are, which is why you must catch some rest before the morning hits and you're too tired to even get out of bed"

She looks at me and then sighs knowing I'm right, she clubs back in the bed and lay her head on the pillow. I turn my head some more and just look at her admiring the woman I call my love.

"Aren't you excited for tomorrow Hero?" she says her voice sounding sad

"Yes baby I am, I just need you to fall asleep for tomorrow," I say

She looks at me and smiles.

"I love you so much," she says

"I love you so much more," I say and kiss her on her forehead. She falls asleep not soon later and I fall right behind her.


She's still asleep at this moment but I'm pretty sure she's gonna wake up soon. I was right a couple of minutes later she was up and about ready for today. The appointment ain't until 3 o'clock and it's only 10 o'clock right now so we have some time before we have to get going.

Josephine right now is in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the both of us, I'm in the room still getting ready. I put on my black pants and white t-shirt, never could go wrong with a classic fit, my air forces are also my go-to shoes I have two pairs of them. After I'm done getting dressed I walk out of the room and immediately walk over to her wrapping my arms around her waist and placing my hands around her belly.

"They're kicking you pretty hard, are you okay" I say

"I'm okay it doesn't hurt more so just pressure and it tickles when one of their feet comes into full contact," she says and laughs.

"Okay well if it gets worse to the point where it doesn't feel like a regular moment or kicking you tell me"

"Okay Mr. Mysterious"

"You haven't called me that In a long time" I look at her and she just smiles at me.

We eat our food and sit down on the couch to watch some stupid show that's on tv and it's kinda interesting but not really. The time seems to go by super slowly and all we can do is wait, Jo is getting impatient checking her phone every thirty minutes. If we have more children I can't imagine what it's gonna be like for the next child but at least will have parenthood down already.

When it hits around two thirty we leave the house and make our way to the hospital I can feel Josephine's hard grip on my hand as we aim closer and closer to the doctor's office and all I can do is hold and rub it back because I'm scared out of my mind right now also.

We arrive a few minutes before three hits and we wait inside the little area waiting for Josephine's name to be called, we wait and wait and wait for what seems like hours until the doctor comes out and gets us from the waiting area, we walk back to the room and she checked Josephine to make sure everything is okay with her, her health and the babies.

"So Josephine you only have about two or three months left in this pregnancy you're down to the final stretch and this is where it gets the hardest, we have to schedule you for a c- section before the actual due date of the twins became of how they're position in your stomach. Before you leave you can make the appointment out there and when it's time you'll finally have the babies" she says

"Ok that's wonderful, I'm so glad to know I get to meet them soon"

"Having kids is a hard obstacle to take but I know you'll be able to handle it"

"Thank you so much"

"You're very welcome"

She continues to check the babies just to make sure everyone is going okay.

"So do yall have everything together for the babies and their arrival soon"

"Yes but we don't know the gender and we wanted to do a small gender reveal but that's not gonna happen, we just want to know the gender," jo says sheepishly

"Yall still haven't found out the gender let's do that now for you guys okay"

"Okay," Me and Josephine both say

Okay, this is it, this is the moment we've been waiting for since we both found out. No matter what gender it comes out to be ill love both of my babies very much.

She moves the wand around Jo's tummy some more and stops the want one of the babies.

"Okay so baby A is......

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