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It's been two months, two fucking months since I last saw Josephine and the babies growing in her belly. I miss them honestly I just miss going outside I mean sure I go outside to hoop out on the court but it's not the same. talking to Josephine on the prison phone isn't the same and seeing her every once in a while is good but it's not the same nothing is the same.

I also talk to Carmen but only to talk to Elijah and since he can't talk I on take to the mother of my child for a little bit before hanging up the damn phone. Why the fuck did I get her pregnant.


Anyways the prison isn't so bad but I rather not be in here. I talk to a couple of people that are in the cells next to me and also conversate with some of the other jail mates during lunch hour, one of my main buddies right now is Chris, Chris is tall and has tattoos that cover up his entire body, he might look like a big meanie but once you get to know him he's one of the nicest guys you'll ever know.

It's lunch hour now and Chris is eating some sludge that the cooks made for us but we can never eat quietly and have a nice conversation without Tyler and his jail buddies interrupting us.

"Motherfucker name Tiffin" he calls out to me and his people start laughing behind him.

"What the fuck do you want Tyler, you can't ever seem to stay off my dick," I say back

"What the hell did you just say to me," he says back anger flaring deep in his eyes.

"I said you can't ever seem to stay off my dick," I say to him as I inch closer and closer to his face.

He stares at me for a few minutes, the whole cafeteria got quiet so you can only hear the breaths we take. None of us are moving and it's my breaths that are getting heavier which each intake. Who the hell does he think he is, Tyler has been trying to pick on me since I got here and it's getting too annoying.

"Watch your back Tiffin," he says and walks away from me and the cafeteria goes back to the loudness they were before.

I'm so tired of being in here with all these people, I'm bad but not murderous like some of these men and women in here.

A few hours later when I'm back in my cell and ready for bed I turn off the lights and start to read my book but a few minutes later I see Tyler walk across my cell a couple of times but doesn't try to come in.

I don't think anything of it so I just continue to read my book, one minute I'm reading the next I'm on the floor with Tyler and two other people smashing my face into the fucking ground and slamming me into the wall, I try to fight back but I can myself slowing fading with the pressure against every slam of my head against the wall.

My fist locks up at my face to block their punches but it's too much and I hear Tyler say one more thing before I black out.

"I told you to watch your fucking back"

Lights out


When I wake up I see a person on top of me, I try to open my eyes a little more and when I can see somewhat clearly I'm surprised to see Josephine crying above me.

"Hero my love, can you hear me" she presses her hand against my cheek I can tell she's not adding any pressure.

I raise my hand but my fucking arms are killing me and I can tell she knows because she tells me to put my hand down and grabs it before it can go down completely.

"What Happened Baby, when I got the call from the prison I was so scared and...

"Josephine I'm fine baby"

"No the hell you not I'm looking at you right now and you're nowhere near fine," she says to me.

She continues to talk to the doctor and she gets angrier by the minute.

"How come he can't go to the fucking hospital, he. Looks like he's close to death and y'all treating him in this place" she yells at the officer and the doctor. Screaming at them to look at me.

"Josephine calm down it's okay I'm okay," I say to her. She starts to calm down a little bit but then we get the best news ever, I'm coming home.

After an hour of all sorts of paperwork, I'm way to leave. When were outside I see my car and a police officer is standing next to it twirling my keys in his hands.

"I don't wanna see you back here for anything else" he says to me

"Me neither" I respond

"And here you're keys and take care of uh yourself and your precious lady" he says and tosses me my keys.

"Alright I will thank you so much"I say and take Josephine's hand.

We go to the car and when I ent Enter it feels like I'm home, we get to Josephine's house minutes later and when I open the door pup has already attacked me.

"Hi boy" I rub his head and he barks.

Josephine comes to my side and wraps her arms around my waistline laying her head in the middle of my back.

"He really missed you" she says

"I missed this little devil too" I continue to run his head and he licks my face.

"I missed you so much Hero I'm glad your are home with us now" she says and comes around to face me.

"I missed you so much baby, you don't understand I've glad I'm back now with you tho"

"I'm glad your back to and so are these little ones because they're kicking the shit out of me" she puts my hand on her belly and I can feel them.

"There active up in there.. Like super active"

"I know there ready to come out soon"

"You're ready for this" I ask her

"Yes I'm ready, are you" she ask back

"I'm ready so ready for this journey as long as I'm with you" I tell her meaning every word.

"As long as I'm with you" she takes my face and kisses me.

My life is complete.

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