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It's been about 2 weeks since I came home from jail and my life has been nothing better, Josephine is so over this pregnancy and I can tell it's taking a big toll on her.

Today we're going to the mall for some baby clothes for the twins. The babies will be here soon enough and we don't have barely anything for them, we still don't know the gender but I'm hoping to persuade My stubborn baby mother can we just find out at the doctor's or by ourselves.

Right now I'm at the store picking up one of Jo's weird ass cravings she has been having, gummies and mustard she said it was sweet and tangy.

Walking to the resister embarrassed about what I'm carrying I stop behind an old man putting his food on the conveyer belt, the cashier is handling his groceries but keeps staring at me every second hitting her lip hard as fuck. I move up in the line once the man is done.

"You find everything alright," she asks and batts her eyelashes.

"Yes, I did" I put the food on the belt and watched her ring my stuff up and put it into a baggie.

"Soooo I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime," she asks hopeful.

"I have a girlfriend," I say, picking up my baggie and walking away.

When I get back home to Jo she sitting on the couch eating some ice cream and looking at the baby book she brought a while ago, I walk up to her and kiss her on the cheek.

"Hello, my love," I say to her.

"Hello" she responds.

"What's wrong with you"

"Nothing I'm just focused"

"Are you sure"

"Yes baby I'm fine"

She gets up and leaves me sitting on the couch, very confused I follow her to the bedroom.

"Josephine tell me what's wrong and don't say it's nothing," I say to her

She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"It's just that we don't even know the gender of the babies and know we're going to pick out clothes for them it's too much" she starts crying and I go up and hug her.

"Josephine you know we can just wait to go shopping for baby clothes," I tell her.

"No, we're going today, I want to go"

"Okay let me know if you get overwhelmed"

"Ok, I love you so much"

"I love you more" I kiss her gently.

We stop kissing after a few minutes and we start getting ready to leave the house, I've been really trying my hardest to adjust and get ready for these babies so I can't let myself and Jo crumble.

Making it to the mall I realized we're gonna have a long day ahead of us and we need to work fast.  When we enter we go to one of the baby stores on the first floor, it's white on the inside and every corner is a different section for babies of course we go over to the newborn section.

Jo starts shopping and then comes to me with two onesies that fit the size of my palm.

They're gonna be that small....

"Hero" I look over toward her. "look ain't it cute," she asks me.

I nod.

"Herroooooo please be honest with me these clothes are gonna go on our kid's bodies"

"I'm being honest I think it's cute and perfect for them," I say and she smiles in delight.

We walk around the store some more and we have done a couple of more outfits that are fitting until she starts to get hungry, we go to the food court, she gets McDonald's and I get auntie Ann's.  We go to sit at a table nearby

"My Love"

She pauses eating


"How are you feeling" I grab her hands and start rubbing her palm.

"Um well right now I feel fine but the babies are moving around a lot and it's getting uncomfortable," she says

"Aww I'm sorry baby it's gonna be over soon but when it is it's gonna be so worth it"

"I know it will"

After we're done eating we go look for some more clothes but this time for Josephine because all her maternity clothes are somehow getting tighter. When we're done with her clothes shopping it's time to go find some more stuff for the babies and then finally go home.

Pregnant Jo is not someone you want to mess with when we were in the store earlier some woman was looking at us and eventually it goes to weird because we weren't doing anything but looking for clothes. Josephine was ready to fight a bitch for staring too hard but then I calmed her down and we just left the store.

She's such a mama bear.

When we got back home she immediately went into the room to take off her clothes and I follow her to do the same. When I enter she's standing naked in the mirror looking at her big belly.

"You look absolutely beautiful"

"Thank you so much, I didn't know I could love something so much but I love these babies with my life"

I walk up to her and hug her from behind kissing the side of her neck the part that makes her shiver with pleasure.

"Tell me who you love most in the world" I whisper In ear.

"I... I love you and the babies" her voice drops lower and lower I can feel the desperation in her voice.

"I love you too Josephine, I'm gonna show you just how much" I turn her around and attach my mouth to hers our tongues fighting for dominance when they meet.

We don't stop kissing not even for a second but we made it to the bed, she wraps her legs around my midline and I can feel her heat. It's all overwhelming I don't think I've had sex in a while and neither had she.

"Hero please" she begs from underneath me.

"What do you want Josephine, tell me what you want me to do"

"I want you inside of me"

My Motherfucking pleasure.

I pull down her Panties and take my boxers off, we're both breathing hard looking into the eyes of each other as I enter her it's all so much.

"Baby please" she cry's

That's all it took for me to have the best fucking sex in a while with the woman I love, the mother of my children and hopefully my future wife.

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