Forgive me

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I can't believe he just left the hospital. I get that the pain is overwhelming but he should be here at least trying to comfort Carmen about the news of their son. I don't even like her but I'm here rubbing her back and telling her it's okay and everything will be fine but in reality, it won't.

The doctor came back once just to tell us they would be taking his body down to the morgue for babies only. It's heartbreaking to must see your child like this just lifeless. But I know Carmen is a strong woman who can handle herself and it might take her time but she will get through this and I'll make sure that Hero gets his fucking act together so we can help her.

Hero has been gone for 2 hours and it's gotten darker outside. I'm upset at him right now, how can he just disappear, where the hell could he even be right now?

I and Carmen are just sitting waiting for the doctor to come back in and take his body away, I hear a door open and I'm thinking it's the doctor so I look up but it's Hero with hot tears staining on his face. I was gonna say something but Carmen had already beat me to the punch, she yelled at him and told him to get out of the room. I understood why but he is still the love of my life and as his girlfriend, I still have to make sure he is ok.

"I'll be right back," I tell Carmen whose head is in her hands

"Ok," she says back and I walk out of the room.

When I exit the room Hero is sitting on the bench that's in the hallway and I can tell he's crying again so walk up to him and just him but don't say anything. A few minutes later he speaks.

"Forgive me Jo, please Forgive me, baby. I know I should be apologizing to Carmen too but I just needed to apologize to you first for being such a dick" he says

"Hero I'm okay this is not my situation it's you and Carmen and Elijah's, you have to be there for her and him even tho he's not with us anymore," I say back

"I know I know"

"Well get through this together I won't leave you alone and we'll figure everything out together, I love you"

He doesn't say anything

"Hero please don't shut me out, it's not good to keep your emotions inside and try to hide them, just talk to me," I say and I grab his face making him look at me.

He still doesn't speak

"Ok shut me out see if I care," I say and I get up to leave but he grabs my arm pulling me back to him.

"Wait, wait I'm sorry okay I just don't know how to handle this information and it is overpowering every other emotion and the only way I know how to cope is with me not speaking about it"

"Well learn to speak about it because I'm here for you and will always be here for you"

"I know, I love you Josephine your the best thing that ever happened to me"

"I know," I say and he laughs. He turns toward me and kisses me.

We sit down on the bench for a couple of more minutes just talking about the babies and where he had gone in the 2 hours he was away. A couple of minutes later a doctor comes to me and Hero and tells us we can say our final goodbyes.

We follow him downstairs to the level where they have all the bodies and we go inside a room that had Elijah in a small crib. Carmen is already in here holding his little hand and whispering her love for him, she looks back at us and turns back to Elijah kissing him on the head and backing away now giving me and Hero time for him.

I walked up first. His body is losing its color but it's not all gone, I grab his hand in mine and just rub it.

"Baby Elijah. I start.
"I've only met you once and you're the sweetest baby ever, you made your father a better person and you showed him what child's love could feel like, I wish you would get a chance to meet your siblings but ill make sure your dad tells them all about you," I say and rub his hand once more time backing away for Hero to go.

He walks up to the crib and I can tell he's hesitant to touch his hand.

"You can touch him, baby," I say quietly.

He looks at me and nods, he takes a breath and starts.

"Baby boy I can't believe your gone. I didn't know I could love someone as much as I love you but you showed me what love feels like I'm very thankful for you and will always be thankful for the opportunity you gave me with being your father, your provider, and your parent. I'll cherish you forever and ill carry you with me all the time every time I think about you I'll know that you watching over me and your mom and are in a better place, your siblings are gonna be here soon and I hope you count them in that watch over because I'm gonna tell them about you any chance I can get, your mom is gonna have hard trouble but she's a very strong woman and I know she can handle herself. I'm gonna be fine but I promise to have your reminder of life every where. I love you baby boy to infinity"

We love you.

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