Life is perfect

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the pain of pushing a baby out of your vagina is no joke that shit hurts. I was very scared when they told me I had to go into an emergency c-section because the first baby didn't wanna come out. It felt like my heart would beat out of my chest a c-section was the one thing I was tryna avoid during this process but one baby made it hard for a regular birth. I just wanted them out of me and if a had to endure a c-section I was going to do just that.

The process itself wasn't long at all and Hero being my side keeping me informed of what was happening down there was very refreshing. Sooner or later the babies were out and into this world, they took them and put the babies in incubators and I was sad but I know I was gonna. Get to see them soon. I was very tired though after everything so I decided to sleep until I got woken up by something, it's going to happen.


I feel a kiss against my lips that woke me straight up. Hero's piercing green eyes are staring at me.

Hi," I say.

"Hi, my love, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Good, where are the boys," I ask him.

"That's the reason I woke you up, the nurse said she's gonna be bringing them here in a few more minutes, so you have to get up"


We don't speak just wait in deafening silence. I hear voices outside the door then it is pushed open by a back and two small incubators follow.

Are boys are here?

"Hello, Ms.Langford, glad to see you awake and we'll" she smiles. "I came to bring the babies" she pushed the two small carts forward. "Now they are very small but you can hold them and I'll help with that, when they need feeding you will need to use a bottle for now but I'll help you with that as well" she lifts the babies out of the incubators, and places both of them in my arms.

The body weight is like holding a feather in hand they're so light. The baby on my right looks every bit like Hero. I look at Hero who's staring at him, he definitely sees it as well. His literal twin. The baby on my left looks like  Hero but has my lips and some of my eye color. He opens them so I only get a glimpse but I definitely see blue and a mixture of green in there. He's beautiful and his brother.

"I'm gonna go get some bottles then I'll be right back," she says the leaves.

No words have been spoken between me and Hero but no words need to be, this is the best moment of our lives. The babies are a huge blessing that has come into our lives and we will cherish them forever.

Hero's hand reaches up to touch one of the babies and then moves his hand to my face and turns it towards him.

"Hi" he whispers

"Hi," I say back and giggle.

"How are you feeling right now, you didn't ask for any pain meds when she was here,"

I look at him "I wasn't focused on the pain. It honestly went away when I finally had them in my arms. I'll take the pain any day to have them here with us"

"I know, I know" he kisses me on my forehead.

I continue to look at the babies and the one who hasn't opened his eyes yet sneezes.

"bless you baby" I rub his cheek and I swear he Leans into my hand.

The nurse comes back a few minutes later with two bottles filled with milk.

"Alright so here's the two bottles of mike you'll be using to feed them with, the bottles are small and since they haven't eaten yet the milk will most likely be gone in a short amount of time. There still gonna get filled up and most likely won't be hungry for another three hours or so" she says

"Okay, that's good to know" I smile.

"Alright now let me show you how to hold them while feeding"

She comes to me and lifts the right baby from my arms then puts the warm bottle of milk in my hands and slightly tilts my left arm up to feed the left baby his milk. His mouth is moving up be down ready for his feeding and as soon as the bottle hits his lips he's feeding away. The bottle was gone in only two minutes. She then hands me the other baby and he has his feeding as well   Not finishing it as fast as his brother but still drowning the bottle down.

When I look up from the baby I realize Hero has one of them in his arms. He's smiling down at him and tears flood his eyes. I just admire him with the baby in his arms, he's going to do so amazingly with them I can just tell. Losing Elijah was so hard for him and I know he thinks about it every day but I hope having the twins fills his heart with so much joy that he doesn't think about the pain that much. He will never forget his firstborn and I don't want him to. I just want him to be totally and utterly happy with us.

"Hero," I say calling his attention away from the baby.

"Yes my love"

"I love you so much"

"I love you more baby"

The baby in my arms squirms against me and is looking up at me.

"Hi baby," I say cooing to him.

He slightly smiles.

"You and your brother are so precious. Me and daddy love you with everything we have and we promise to be there for you and your brother always, you had an older brother who looked just like you but unfortunately, we lost him and we miss him every day but I know he's watching over you and your brother every day also daddy that was his firstborn," I say to him.

Hero cries beside me and I bring him towards me hugging him. We sit in silence with both of the babies laying in front of us.

"Josephine," Hero calls.

"Yes," I answer

"You know what we forgot love," he says kissing the side of my forehead.

"What" not thinking about what he could say.

"The boys need a name"

This whole fucking time we've never given them names. Oh my Gosh.

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