My life

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I wake up the next morning and I'm not in the mood for anything. He didn't call me, I don't know what's wrong and it's stressing me out. He calls me every day so the fact that he didn't call me yesterday is bothering me. I think I'm gonna go up to the jail and check on him for my sake.

Having work in the morning sucks but at least I can go home early today. I'm not ready to go and see Cameron and Delilah it's been too much going on and on not ready for no sort of commentary from none of them. Today is nice and sunny but fucking cold and I have to walk from my house to the shop because Hero's not here to pick me up.

I end up leaving my house and start walking to the shop but on the way I see something. It's a family of 3 a mother and her two kids, one is a baby boy and the other baby is a toddler but she's a girl. The mother looks stressed trying to get the little girl to calm down before she ends up hurting herself but she just won't listen I feel bad for her before I notice what I'm doing in walking toward the mother.

"Hello ma'am"

She looks at me startled for a second before answering with a quiet hello.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I saw you were having trouble so I can help with the baby while you get the little girl," I say to her.

"Really" she looks at me with the biggest blue eyes filled with punished tears.

"Yes, ill help I promise I'm not some type of weirdo,"  I say and we both laugh, she turns towards me handing the baby to me and running towards the little girl.

I hold the baby for a little bit when he starts laughing and grabbing at my hair.

"Hi baby boy, you're so handsome and you look just like your mama," I say to him, and he giggles.

"I hope when I have my little angels they are just as precious as you are" I rub his cheek with my thumbs and he leans into it, the mother comes back with the daughter crying on her shoulder.

"Thank you so much.


"Thank you so much, Josephine," she says

"No problem...


"No problem Abby," I say and we talk for a while about life and her kids.

"Your son looks just like you"

"You should have seen his father you would think there twins" she slightly laughs

"Are you still with the dad?" I ask and immediately cover my mouth with horror.

"I'm sorry that's none of my business," I say and she laughs.

"It's fine Josephine, their father passed away soon after I gave birth to him, it was a car accident and when I found out I was so heartbroken but then I realized I still had two human sizes pieces of him with me," she says and looks at both of her children with a loving smile.

I will always admire parents who love their kids unconditionally even if their not physically here on this earth. She seems like a very good mother and so does her baby father, I just hope me and Hero are good parents but I could never imagine losing him.

I'd snap back out of my thoughts when Abby starts calling my name again.

"Josephine," she says

"Yes, I'm sorry just thinking about future parenthood"

"Girl you should be fine as long as you and your baby daddy are on the same page and parent or co-parent together or don't have the same fate as me and mine did you should be fine"

"Well my baby daddy is in jail," I say sadness clearly in my voice

"Well damn what did he do" she ask

"He beat up a doctor but the doctor was an asshole so I think he had every right" I tell her

"Damn well hopefully he gets out soon cause I see your about to pop" her hand slightly grazes my belly

"Ready to pop I'm about to fucking burst," I say and we both laugh, we conversate for a few more. Minutes then she tells me she's got to get back home because her mom is having a BBQ at her house.

"You should come over there sometime"

"I will, give me your number so we can catch up some days" we exchange numbers then she leaves.

After I watch them leave I end up walking the rest of the distancee to the shop and the I get there Cameron is working the register and Delilah is cleaning the tables. I go to the back room and change into my work clothes but when I turn around to Camron is right at the door.

"Hello Josephine"

"Hello Cameron"

"We haven't seen you in a while over here," he says

"Yes well I've been taking care of my boyfriend who was in the hospital" I tell him

"Why would you still care about him, it should be me who you with not him, he doesn't fucking deserve you and you know that" he slightly yelled at me but not loud enough for Delilah to hear.

"He's my baby father Cameron get over it, it's never gonna be a me and you" I say and push past him out into the shop ready for the first customer of the day and trying to Ignore Cameron the rest.

My shift ends later on around 3 and I go home, when I get there puppy is already at the door scratching at my pants as soon as I got in, I put my stuff down and go make me one of my favorite san sandwitches in the world, I pick it up but as soon as I was going to take a bit my phone ranged. I picked it up

Downtown police station-- calling home phone

I press the answer button and wait a few minutes


"Hello is this Josephine Langford" A man on the other line says

"Yes this is Josephine speaking" I say

"Hi Josephine, my name is officer conwald and I'm calling about inmate 1224568 name is Hero Fiennes Tiffin" he says

"Yes Hero what's wrong with him"

"I'm on the phone to tell you that Hero has gotten pretty beaten up badly this afternoon and we wanted to call to let you know" he says and his voice starts to fade.

Hero's beaten up

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