20 weeks

580 33 4


I haven't seen Hero in a week but today is the day we go to our doctor's appointment for the babies. I'm excited to see them and how big they've grown I sometimes wonder what they would look like me or they're farther hopefully all him. What I'm not excited about is seeing Hero I can't believe what's he said to me "I never liked you anyway" those words haunt me every time I try to shut my fucking eyes at night I fucking hate him.

Honk Honk

Speaking of the devil he's here.

I walk outside and I see him in the driver's seat of the car wearing a plain black t-shirt like always and some ripped jeans his classic style that I love on him... I'm not doing this again I'm not letting him cloud my brain with fucking fantasies. I get in the passenger seat and just stay quiet I don't wanna talk to him first because I shouldn't start the conversation. He starts driving for what seems like hours until he starts talking.

"Hey," he says

"Hi Hero," I say back

"Jo I'm so sorry about what I said last week I didn't mean it and you know it"

"It don't care drive or we're gonna be fucking late to this appointment"

He stops talking and drives to the hospital. When we arrive we go inside we start walking towards the receptionist's desk the room is a nice yellow and neon green color with teddy bears and pandas on the walls it's very pretty maybe I can consider these colors and the scheme for the baby's room. It's 2 ladies at the desk an old lady that looks so nice in her curly hairdo and dark blue eyes and another lady with blonde hair that's straight and dark green eyes I walk to the old lady.

"Hello dear," she says her voice sounding like a beautiful angel

"Hi ma'am I'm here for my appointment"

"Yes, what is your name dear"

"My name is Josephine Langford"

"Alright, you have an appointment for your 20 weeks today for pregnancy"

"Yes ma'am I do"

"Okay you can go sit right over there and the doctor will be right with you"

"Thank you so much" I walk away and go end up sitting next to Hero who's staring at another lady who looks about our age and she's really pretty I'm guessing she's with the person bedside her because she sure ain't pregnant. I can't care any way we're not together but I'm not gonna act like it's doesn't hurt me. A couple of minutes later the same lady from last time calls me back so I tap Hero and we go. We walk into the room and wait just like last time she comes back in minutes later.

"So Josephine we're back," she says

"Yes we are and we're super excited," I say

"Who's this gentleman you've brought with your today"

"That's H-

"I'm Hero the babies farther" he pipes up

"Well hello Hero I'm doctor Abby and we will be checking how far along momma is here and then schedule your next appointment and then be done okay".

"Okay that sounds good"

"Alright let's go" she starts prepping up her equipment and in the next few minutes were see our baby's on the screen.

"Well here are the babies Josephine you are now 20 weeks as you can see baby A is sucking it's thumb and baby B is what seems to be like under baby's A butt" we all laugh.

"It should change soon tho so you should be fine but on another note, I can tell you what the gender is if you wanna know" she looks at us wanting an answer.

To be completely honest I wanna have a gender reveal with Hero I don't have a lot of family and I know he has some friends that would Probably love to see his reaction so yea that's what I want.

"I want to wa-

"I want to know the gender" Hero yells, he looks at me and waits for me to agree.

"No sorry I want a gender reveal so we won't know the gender today," I tell her

Hero looks sad

"Okay mamma your call here's the pictures, schedule y'all next appointment and we'll have y'all on Your way"

"Okay" we reply and then she leaves

"You want a gender reveal why"

"Because I want the joy of finding out like that"

"Jo you don't even have no fucking family to watch you enjoy the joy," he says then realize what he said

"Hero you would bring that up you know fuck you" I yell at him

"Jo I didn't me-

"Shut the fuck up and leave me alone"

Doctor Abby comes back and gives us our picture of the babies and then we leave after scheduling our next appointment for the babies. We go outside and get in the car so he can drop me back off at my house I don't even want to look at him right now he's so cruel I can feel the tears pooling in my eyes. We stay quiet for the rest of the ride and he drops me off, I run into my room and just cry for me my babies, him, and my life in general.

Why is this happening to me?

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