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(Josephine pov)

I've been sitting on this pregnancy for about a week now and I just can't come up with a way to tell Hero knowing that he didn't want this to happen especially when he already has a kid.

We've been talking ever since I found out and he's been asking can he see me but I've been avoiding him since my bump is getting bigger and you can tell especially when I put on my apron to go to work, I have a doctors appointment set for later on today so I'm gonna go get an ultrasound and figure out how many weeks I'm actually and how big is the baby.

I'm at work right now because I haven't been in like a couple of days for the processing of this pregnancy and I'm pretty sure my coworker Sydney can tell.. she is a little sweetheart who doesn't talk much and always respect anybody in her path, I'm brought out my thoughts when she's calling my name.

"JOSEPHINE" she yelled

"YES.. yes I'm so sorry I was in my thoughts once again," I said a little embarrassed with myself.

"You okay you've been quite off lately," she said giving me a knowing look.

"Yeah just going through something's right now". I replied.

"What's going on, you can tell me anything I'm bored and I need some juice in my life," she said

I laughed

" well I don't know if you can already tell but I'm pregnant with this guy name hero baby and when we first he sex a couple of weeks ago we forgot to use a condom and when he told me this I told him that we would just have to see what happens    And as  here we are today I haven't told him because I'm scared of what he might say.. he already has a kid and another one on the way could be kinda hard for some people and I just don't know what to do with this information but I'm going to a doctors appointment today to figure out everything and I'm just overwhelmed"

She just looked at me for a couple of minutes before she finally yelled "CONGRATULATIONS"

I just laughed and looked at her and then she hugged me which was nice because I needed that once in my life.

We talked Some more she gave me some advice and then our shift was over so I started making my way to the doctor's office which was a couple of minutes away.

Waking in it was a very nice baby blue color on the walls, the receptionist desks were all nice and decorated and there were many pregnant people along with their husband or baby daddies beside them I just wish I had mine, going to the the desk  I gave them my name and what I was here for and sat back down for what seemed like hours.

"Josephine Langford" I heard someone call my name and when I turned it was a lady with a clipboard in baby blue coveralls.

"Yes that's me" I answered

"Okay come with me" she replied

I went with her and he lead me to a small room with animals painting on the wall and the room was pink and yellow.

A couple of minutes later a woman came in and told me what we were doing and ask can I pee in a cup it's was awkward but I did it... never again.

I came back out and handed her the cup which she confirmed I was pregnant like I didn't already know that, she went through asking me questions then we were finally able to see my baby.

"There you go baby A"

Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump

"Also here's baby B"

Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump

Being so caught in the moment I didn't hear when she said baby B.

"Wait excuse me but did you say baby B," I ask scared and anxious.

"Yes I did your pregnant with twins ma'am congratulations also you are 7 weeks pregnant," she said



After that horrific moment, I went an immediately called hero and told him to come to my house cause we need to talk about a serious matter.

I'm pregnant with twins fucking twins.. omg what am I gonna do I don't make enough money for 2 babies let alone one I'm gonna have to get a second job to provide for my babies or I'm gonna have to find a better job that pays way more than where I'm at now.

There's a knock at the door and I know exactly how that is so I open it and let him in.

"What happened  Josephine you look very pale," he asks

" Hero I'm gonna tell you something so don't freak out" I told him very scared myself

"Jo what is is"




And just like that the reveal drops....

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