The talk

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The next morning I woke up bright and early to make Josephine some breakfast, she's been having a larger appetite since she was feeding for two.

The sun is shining on my face but I can still focus on the beautiful woman that lies beside me. The sun is her golden shower and it hits her beautifully. Her blond hair is sprawled out across her face and her lips are slightly open and puckered just begging for a kiss.

But I let her sleep because if I woke her up now I won't be able to stop kissing her.

I hop out of bed and make my way to the kitchen, I go to the freezer and get the bacon and sausages out for me, Jo can't eat bacon cause of the smell but she can have sausages. I open the fridge and pull out the eggs, butter, and jelly for toast.

I start cooking the food but I stop when I hear a paddle of footsteps coming toward the kitchen. It's Josephine and she's wearing one of my shirts so it looks extra big on her and it's covering her belly fully. She walks up to me and lays her head on my chest.

"Goodmorning baby"

"Morning" her voice is muffled by my shirt but I still can hear her.

"What's wrong," I ask her

"Nothing" she responds and pushes her head further into my chest. Eventually, she lets me go and sits down in the living room. I finish cooking and walk into the living room handing her plate to her and digging into mine.

"Slow down Hero," she says to me

"I'm sorry I'm just hungry"

She stares at me and then continues to eat her food, we both finish eating then just snuggle on the couch for a little. These are the days I love the most when I can just be with the love of my life waiting for the arrival of our twins... That reminds me I have to talk to Jo about us just finding out the gender at the next appointment, which should be next week.


She hums

"Can you sit up I need to talk to you" I say to her and she sits up looking at me worried.

"Okay so before you go crazy listen to me first," I say and look at her, she nods her head.

"So I've been wanting to say this for a while but I wanted to make sure I wanted this, I host feel like next time we go to the doctor we should find out the gender or maybe have a small one for just me and you, I know you wanted a gender reveal and you wanted me to invite me, friends but I feel like it's no need for that, I wanna just have the moment with you and only you, that's only if you say to of course if you want to have that damn gender I'll call up some of my good friends and we'll have it" after I'm done saying what I needed to say I look up at Jo and realize she has tears streaming down her face.

"Baby what's wrong," I ask her

"It's just that I've been thinking the same thing, I wanted the gender reveal because I see other people's great fucking ideas but now that we only have a couple of months left I just want to find out and start buying stuff for the twins," she says

I can't believe she felt like this and didn't even tell me.

"Josephine I wish you would've said something earlier but I'm glad you've said something now," I tell her trying to calm my crying girl down.

"I know I'm sorry I just felt like this when you were in jail and I'm tired of not knowing the gender of the babies"

"That's okay to feel like that, I want to find out the genders too. So next time we go to the doctor's wee gonna find out the gender"

"No, we're going to ask the doctor to write the gender down and we're gonna get a cake made just for us to cut and celebrate"

"Okay, that's fine with me," I say and she smiles gleefully.

"Were finally gonna find out the gender, I'm so excited" she says

"I'm so excited baby and I'm glad I got you pregnant," I say and she slaps my arm

"I'm glad you're my baby daddy," she says and I laugh.

I look down at her and take her face in my hands then I kiss her.

I love this woman


A couple of hours later, after me and Jo finally agreed to find out the gender we go to babies room and try to straighten everything before it was too late to do anything.

Jo is sitting on the floor separating the clothes that we got from the mall, I'm in the baby's closet painting their door and hanger rail green. Josephine turns around and looks at me

"I'm so excited for this journey, I can't wait till their here in my arms"

"Me too ba-" my phone starts ringing, I pull it out and look at who's calling.


What the fuck does this bitch want.


"HERO" I hear Carmen scream on the other end.

"Yes Carmen what do you want," I ask her

She doesn't say anything for a minute but I can tell she's crying.

"Carmen what the hell is going on"

"It's Elijah," she says

"What's about him"

"He's not breathing," she says and my phone drops out of my hand.

I never thought a couple of words would scare me that much but right now I'm praying for something good. He's not fucking breathing.

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