The party

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Josephine (pov)

Later on that same day...

After a couple of hours with the pup I went into my room looking for an outfit for the party, Hero still hasn't texted me yet but I'm pretty sure he will if he wants me to go. After I find the outfit which is a red corset with a white long sleeve tank top and dark blue denim jeans with black doc martins I hop In the shower.

After I hopped out of the shower I put on my daily smell good but as soon as I was going to put on my clothes my phone dinged.

New message-Mr mysterious

Hey, sweat heart ill be at your place around 8:00 be ready baby!!!

Ok... I'm already ready but I want you to meet somebody first he is very special to me now.

Okkkk I'll be there soon bye


Well that's was not weird at all


When Jo said she had somebody special for me to me meet tonight I hope she wasn't talking about a boyfriend because that would ruin my plans later on.

Racing through the streets I made it to jo's house I got out of the car and knock on her door when she opened the door I could have sworn she was a different person she looked so damn good.

"Hey, Hero," she says with her gorgeous smile that I love so much.

"Hey sweetheart you ready to turn up tonight"

"Yeah I'm ready but I would like you to meet somebody first," she says while leading me In her home.

To be brutally honest I'm scared it's gonna be a guy on the couch but I wouldn't voice that to her she might think I'm a pussy or something, I'm snapped out of my thoughts when she starts talking to me.

"Hero I would like you to meet pup, pup this is Hero"

"OMG Josephine I thought you were talking about a guy"

"Oh no Hero I'm a single as a Pringle" she looks said when saying it so I gotta say to cheer her up I grab her face and peck her lips.

"You won't be single for long sweetheart I promise you that, but we do have to go" I whisper to her she smiles and blushes a dark shade of pink.

We leave her house after saying goodbye to the pup and make are driving down to the party, while I'm driving I take a look at my sweetheart and realized how lucky I am, arriving at the party we hop out of the car, and in the very front of the house are people making out or drunk and its disturbing.

In the house was where everything was happening I looked at Jo and she kinda seemed scared.

"Hey look at me where olay I'm right here with you the whole night okay" she sighs and we continue our journey in the house, getting to where my friend are I hear a loud annoying voice coming from the side of me.



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