Welcome (part 2)

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We go to a different operating room that's more private than the room we were just in. The room is much larger and has more technical stuff than the last room, a huge light hangs on the wall and the windows are shut close. They roll Josephine's bed directly under the lamp and give her an oxygen tank for her to breathe in while the doctor is taking the baby out. I'm still holding her hand and talking to her trying to calm her down a little about what happens next.

Josephine is laying on the bed sweaty and her face is full of tears from the pushing and crying. The nurse that was in the room with us tells me to put on this doctor's body suit, which I need on during the process. I put it on and then walk towards Josephine, the doctor comes in soon after telling us it's time to begin again.

Josephine whimpers and they put the cover over her covering her face from where they're gonna be taking the babies out of her belly. The doctors tell us that they're gonna begin and he's talking us through the process.

"This isn't going to take long but it's still difficult and risky especially since we have to cut inside her belly now, Josephine" he turns towards her "Hero's gonna be by your side and I'll call out things that are happening down there so you won't be left out of the loop" he turns back towards me "Hero I need you to always communicate with her so she won't get frantic and cause us to create problems we don't want"

"Okay I can handle that," I say

"Thank you, he looks at his watch "it's Time to begin" he walks away from us and is behind the curtain wall.

I look down at Jo "You ready"

"Ready as I'll ever be"

I smile at her.

The process starts I can hear the doctor talking with the nurses and he finally starts the cut inside her belly.

"Baby, they just cut into you"

"Okay," she cries.

I look back over the curtain and I can see a whole bunch of pulling and tugging when finally I hear a faint cry that turns into a huge wailing. Our first boy is here.

"He's here Jo, one of the boys is here baby," I say and she cries in happiness.

I look back over the curtain and they're pulling the second baby out but he Doesn't cry like the first baby he's just silent.

"Why isn't he crying" Josephine ask.

"I don't know," I tell her and look back over the curtain.

"Why isn't he crying," I ask the doctor

"Wait for a second," he says then I hear a small whimper come out of the baby's mouth.

"There he is," the doctor said.

I look back at Josephine who looks extremely nervous. "He's here baby our second baby is here mama"

She cries.

"Alright Josephine and Hero we have to clean and stitch you back up then you'll be good as new and ready to meet your beautiful baby boys, alright"

"Okay" we both answer.


It takes a whole hour for everything to be set and ready for us to see our children. They were put into the incubators for the time being because their super small babies and any could cause harm them. Josephine fell asleep while they were stitching her back up and I just watch her for some time. I'll wake her up when it's  time for us to meet the babies finally.

I'm tired myself and I may take a nap just for the time being until they are ready for us.


I feel a tapping on my shoulder and I open my eyes to a nurse smiling at me.

"Hello Mr. Tiffin, the babies are ready to see you. You can wake up your wife if you want to so y'all can meet them" she says.

We finally get to meet the babies.

"Yeah yeah absolutely"

"Okay I'll be back with them in a few minutes," she says and leaves the room.

This is the moment we've been waiting since finding out she was pregnant. 8 long months of talking to her belly and preparing for this moment is all hitting me at once. This is fucking  happening and it's no going back. I wake myself up completely and look at Josephine who is still asleep with her lips parted and soft little snores falling from her lips. She's so strong after what she went through today, I'm not surprised she's catching as many z's as possible she deserves this, she deserves happiness.

I stroke her cheek and it's still tear-stained.

"Baby" I call her.

She doesn't move

"Ms. Josephine Langford"

She stirs a bit but doesn't wake up completely.

I try the one method that knows works every time. I lean down and kiss her. She immediately wakens smiling at me.

"Hi," she says

"Hi, my love, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Good, where are the boys"

"That's the reason I woke you up, the nurse said she's gonna be bringing them here in a few more minutes, so you have to get up"

"Okay," she says then pulls herself against the headboard wincing at every move she makes.

"You okay baby"

"Yes, I'm okay. There's a lot of pain around my belly but ill take the pain any day knowing who came out of me, even tho this shit hurts"

I laugh "When the doctor or nurse comes back you can ask for pain medicine,"  I say.

"I know I am," she says.

We go quiet for the next minute just waiting for the nurse to come back with the boys. We hear a noise outside the room and the door gets pushed open, the nurse comes in with two incubators and pushes the door close.

Our baby boys are here.

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