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A couple of minutes later the police came and check on him which confirmed that he wasn't breathing and had to get him out of there asap before he wouldn't make it. I was just standing there dumbfounded I couldn't hear anything they were saying to me all I could think about was Hero.

What happens if he dies?, what happens if my kids don't have a father to cherish them?, what happens if I lost the man I love forever? All these damn questions and I have not a single answer because I can't lose him and I refuse to even think about him being dead.

The ambulance and police left with Hero and I followed them out of his apartment which when I he wakes up we'll talk about him staying with me I mean he's gonna have to at least for a couple of weeks cause it's no way I'm letting him out my sight, I run past the girl in the lobby again and she looks back at me and gives me a small smile and I give her one in return even tho I don't like this bitch for fucking my baby daddy. I exit out the building and make my way to one of the police officers outside.

"Hello ma'am what can I do for you," the police officer says

"Umm yes I walked here from where I lived and I don't have anyone to pick me up and drive me to the hospital so I was wondering can I get a ride to the hospital officer," I ask pleading he must have heard the pain in my voice because he told me to hop in and then we were on the road to the hospital.

Silence filled the car and I wasn't in any mode to talk so I just didn't make any communication but a couple of seconds later my phone ding.

Hey Jo where have I been all day I stopped by your house but you weren't there

I haven't even thought about him all day he's not my priority right now but I guess it wouldn't hurt to text him back

Hey, so I've been busy all day and I probably won't make it to work or back to my house for like a day or 2 so keep the shop clean for me please, and thank you

Sure Josephine let me know if you need anything bye


Ok now that's over I look up and realized we made it to the hospital I hop out of the car and run towards the front doors and inside the building where a lady sits staring at the computer and seems to be ignoring the whole world around her, I can tell she wants to go home and trust me I want to do the exact same thing but not without him. I walk up to her and she looks at me with a neutral expression eying me up and down and then looking at my face again.

"How may I help you today" her voice is raspy but gentle at the same time that's calming.

"Hello I'm here for a patient he was just brought in and I'm the really the only person he has right now so I need to see him," I say

"What's his name"


"Last name"

"I have no clue"

"Ok hold up"

She takes a couple of minutes and then looks back at me

"Mr tiffin is being looked over right now and who are you may I ask," she says eying me over once more

"My name is Josephine And I'm Hero's girlfriend" I respond

"Oh ok well he's being taken care of on the third floor so u can go up there and wait until a doctor Comes and get you about him with more information ok"

"Ok thank you so much"

I run to the elevator and hop on my legs are shaking my head is pounding and it seems like everything around me is falling out of place I just want him to be ok that's all I need for one night. The elevator rings and I get out making my way to the second lady that's at the counter I tell her why I'm here and she sends me over to one of the chairs by the door so I can take a breather.

I look around the room and I realized their families her waiting patiently for news of their loved ones and it hurts to watch all of them here non of us should be here but yet we are and it's nothing we can do about it nothing at all but we can have hope and hope is really all we need for anything to happen in Split seconds.

Around some time it's starting to get quiet and families start to leave but I'm staying until I hear a single thing about him. A couple of minutes later I hear my name being called

"Family for Mr tiffin," the doctor says

"Yes yes how is he, is he okay," I say

He better be okay

Mr baby daddy Where stories live. Discover now