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Josephine (pov)

The next day

it's a nice Saturday afternoon, people walking down the streets with their families all happy and shit. Well not me I'm not happy I woke up this morning from my nice comfy bed just to go in the kitchen for cereal but there's no milk.


Now I'm making my way down to the nearest corner store to see if they have the right kind of milk because I don't trust anything else.

When I walk into the store it was very chilly making me wished I had brought a jacket with me, walking to the refrigerator side of the store I was looking for the milk minding my business when someone bumps into me.

"Hey asshole watch where you're going," I said

"My bad ma'am it was an honest mistake"

Wait hold the horses I knew that accent that means it must be


"How do you know my, oh hi Josephine how you doing," he asked

"Not so good I tried to make myself a bowl of cereal today but I ran out of good milk so now I'm here"

"Dang well that's sad well I just wanted to say hi while I'm here"

"Well hi my mysterious," I said with the biggest smile.

"Hi sweetheart, well I gotta go now so Imma catch you later," he says while kissing me on the forehead.

"Ok, will I see you another time" sounding sad since he leaving?

"Yea sweetheart you will I promise, I gotta go thought so I'll see you around"

"Okay bye"

Watching him leave made me sad but I only came here for milk anyway. After I got what I needed I made my way back home cause I'm not trying to get into anything.

I made my way back to my apartment successfully now eating my bowl of cereal like I was supposed to be earlier.

*Hours later*

It's late at night and I mean late but I'm still up barely, I just took a nice shower the warmth was very consuming I didn't wanna get out but I did. Making my way into my bedroom I was out in my pajamas and watching some tv before I knock out, over time I got sleepy and I started to lay down when my phone ding.

New message
*unknown number*

Meet me?

Oh shittttt!!!!!!!

Hey peeps how y'all liking the story so far? Make your y'all like or whatever😌!!

Remember to stay respectful kids!!

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