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It's been about 2 months since that altercation at the hospital happened and they still won't let Hero out and I don't know why. I talk to him every day to make sure he is okay and some days I go up there to check on him, it hurts so much, him not being here with me I'm 26 weeks pregnant and my belly is getting bigger the babies are getting bigger and he's missing it.

We still haven't found out the gender, but I'm gonna wait for him to get out so we can throw a simple gender reveal party. I don't have any family to watch a moment like this but Hero has somewhat supportive friends that can be there.

Today is one of those days where I just don't feel like getting up out the bed but I do get to talk to Hero today which is always great.

I can hear small little paddles of feet coming towards my bedroom, I get out of bed and open the door pup is sitting right there with his tongue hanging out and his short little tail wagging.

"Hi my lovely baby" I pick him up and give him lots of kisses and he licks me back with kisses of his own.

"We're gonna talk to dada today aren't you excited," I ask him and he continues to kick my face and someone else is excited too because they started to kick my stomach.

It happened after I came home from the hospital.


I started to get this weird feeling in my stomach I don't know what it is but maybe I should go check it out.

I get up go outside and walk down and take Hero's car and drive to the hospital. The process wasn't long so I just walk in and sat down and waited. A few minutes later doctor Abby came in a gets me.

"Hello Josephine, so what do I owe this pleasure to You at five in the morning," she asks

"Well I've been having these weird feelings in my belly and it's creeping me out," I say to her

"It could just be the babies moving or kicking but let's just check it out for you"


She leads me to a room in the back and sets up her little monitor, she tells me to lift my shirt and pull my pants a little down so she can get a nice space for the wand thing in her hand. She puts it on my stomach and when I look at the screen I see both of my babies.

"See Josephine there's nothing to be worried about they were just moving and kicking trying to make some space for themselves," she tells me

"Oh I'm sorry I just really thought something was wrong"

"It's alright the first time mothers usually go through stuff like that so it's okay" she puts all her materials back and tells me she gonna leave for a few minutes and will be right back.

"I love you both babies" I look down at my stomach and just rub it a couple of times.

Flashback ends

"Hi babies are y'all also excited to talk to daddy today" they kick me harder and I rub my stomach

"Ok let's get up and get ready babies" I grab some clothes from my drawer nothing special just some underwear a sports bra, a purple long sleeve, and some black leggings. I go to the bathroom and take my nice hot shower. I get out and lotion myself up and put my clothes on and put my hair in a bun getting ready for his call.

When he calls it is usually in the after around three or four depending on the day. Hopefully, he calls earlier today I really wanna speak to him about the babies and me, I just wanna hear him.

When I enter the hallway I look over to the door on my left which is the babies' makeshift room for now considering we don't know the gender I've just bought some unisex clothes just because we're hitting the deadline pretty soon and I need to be prepared for anything.

I found out my due date is in May or at the beginning of June which I'm super excited about it's February now so I only have three to four months left.

It's starting to get real

I go into my baby's room and just look around there are some clothes on the floor which I'm gonna wash, there's a couple of new unopened pacifiers in a bag on the floor this room is just a mess. I leave the room and go into the living room turn on the tv and just wait for my phone to ring.

Three o clock

He should be calling now I'm so excited

Five o clock

It's been 2 hours we're is my call

Eight o clock

3 hours have gone by and it's dark outside, I don't think I'm getting my call today, I get up put pup in his bed and walk to my room not bothering to turn off any light I just hop in my bed and go to sleep.

No call and all alone.

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