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I can hear Jo's cries as she is screaming for me to wake up but I can't I'm surrounded by nothing absolute blackness. I've never felt this way before and it feels like my body is floating and all I want to do is just wake up and be there for Jo and my babies I just can't wake up. She is still crying and I feel Myself getting lifted and being token somewhere I just have no idea where, I want them to put me down so I can just feel her soft hands against my face telling me it's gonna be okay.

Whoever is with me right now I know it's not Jo cause the hands are rougher most likely a guy's hand and someone is talking on the other side of me. I can hear them mumble and it sounds so loud but I know they're speaking soft and it's my brain's way of surrounding itself with hella noise just my luck.

We have stopped moving now and I'm being lifted out of this car and token into a being which I'm gonna say is the hospital I can smell the air and the way it just got colder lets me know where I'm at unless I'm dying and I don't know it. I can't die I refuse to die I need to be here for my kids and Josephine or else I'll have nothing and I really won't ever be at peace with knowing that. I hear people taking in the distance

"Hello, I'm doctor Barns what seems to be the problem," he says

"Hello, I'm officer Mason. The girlfriend of this young man called and said he wasn't waking up when we got there he wasn't breathing but on the way here we were able to get his heart restarted but still brought him here for extra care" the officer said

"What's the patient's name and birthday"

"Full name is Hero Fiennes Tiffin, birthday is November 6, 1997, age 24"

"Ok thank you so much for the update and I'll take it from here," the doctor said to the officers then proceeded to roll me away because I could hear their voices getting further away from me and the more I went down the hallway I could hear cries of loved ones screams of patients and panic flowing through me like a fucking wave train.

I can tell I was in a room now because it was quiet and the constant beating of the machines was recalling getting on my last nerve. Why couldn't they just have a fucking Mute button on that shit imagine waking up or falling asleep to some good damn beeping it must cause a headache cause it sure is to me.

The paddle of someone's feet is getting closer to my room and I can hear their voice talking quietly trying their best to be quiet to not disturb me or anyone else in this hospital, I can feel the person presence and I already know who it is my sweetheart Josephine. She sits down and takes my hand.

"Hero, you don't know this but I love you with my whole heart the babies love you, even more, we need you by our side I need you by my side if you don't wake up how am I gonna survive this your my everything and more, I'm so sorry about everything that you're going through I wish I would've known about what was happening with you and we would here work it out together. I would've been there for you every strip of the way and it would have all been fine at the end, please please wake up Hero" she sobs out and it's breaking my heart I can't bear to hear her like this I have to wake up but my body just won't let me and it's torture.

I'm so sorry my baby I'm trying.

What seems like forever I hear someone entering the room and starts talking I think it's the doctor talking to Josephine but what caught my fucking ear is him telling her she is beautiful and he would like to take her out on a date, like fucking  hell if think he's taking her away from me just like Cameron thought he was this doctor has another thing coming just a don't fucking wake up first.


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