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"Hello... Ms.Josephine, you still there" the man on the other end ask.

"Oh yes sorry I'm still here... I pause for a second to gather my breath. "What exactly happened"

"Well from what I could gather from the other inmates that were in the room, they said that Hero and this one guy have been bickering slightly ever since he has gotten here and today Hero was reading on his bed when the guy and two others just the threw him off of the bed and started to hit him badly,"  he tells me and it feels like my world is crumbling.

"How is Hero, is he okay"

"Well right now we have a medical doctor here and he said that Hero has two broken ribs and he going to have a lot of bruises but it's better if doesn't stay here... So can you come to pick him up today or tomorrow"

"I'll come to pick him up but I don't have a car, Hero does but it's back at his place"

"Ok we'll send someone to come and get you in about an hour or two" 

"Ok thank you so much for letting me know"

"No problem see you soon" he hangs up the phone leaving me in complete and utter silence.

Then I just start crying

Hero doesn't deserve this he shouldn't have been in there in the first place, Hero did nothing wrong, I know he has a slight temper but it should have never gotten this bad but I honestly can't wait to see him.

Just like the officer said an hour later I hear police sirens pulling up to my house and I get outside and walk to the car.

"Ms. Langford," the man says

"Yes, that's me" I respond voice sounding like I've been smoking for hundreds of years so I clear my throat.

"I'm officer Conwald we spoke on the phone earlier," he says

"Oh ok, Well hello I'm Josephine"

"Hi Josephine you ready to go," he asks me

"Yes ok ready" I walk up to the car door but before I can even touch the handle he's already opening the door for me.

"Thank you so much Officer" I smile at him

"You're welcome" he smiles back

He goes to the driver's side and gets in, the car ride is silent he peeks over at me from time to time and I can't tell but I swear when he does he always smile. It makes me smile, it shouldn't but it does. Eventually, he pulls up to the prison and it's not big but it's not small either, a typical grey building with a basketball court on its side and dainty-looking windows surrounding all the walls I'm guessing for the prisoners to look out of when reminiscing the outside world. But I don't care about other prisoners or Mr. Conwald I want Hero.

Speaking of Mr. Officer he doesn't make a move to get out of the car but he is staring at me which is kind of awkward but pleasing in a way.

"Officer Conwald are we getting out now," I say to him and he blinks out whatever trans he was in.

"Yes I'm sorry let's go" he gets out of the car and dashes toward the building not even looking at me once I stepped out of the car.

He waits for me to get to him before leading me into the prison building, inside looks just the same as the outside, grey and dull it must be very boring in this place I don't know how anyone would want to stay in a place like this for the rest of there lives. The jail cells are super small with toilets squished on the sides of each cell and one tiny little bed in the corner, the halls are super long and lead to rooms for each prisoner, we keep walking until we reach a cell at the end of the dull halls and I see the one person I love most in the world bloody on his bed or someones else bed.


I pull back the door that'd blocked me from him and run to his side but when I see him I automatically start to cry. He's beaten up so badly his face is covered with blood, bruises surrounding every part of his body, and his eyes can't stay open because they're big and puffy he just looks hurt and I can feel it off of him. I touch his face lightly not applying no sort of pressure.

"Hero my love, can you hear me," I ask him in a low whisper

He turns his face towards me smiling just a little.

"Hello my love I've missed you so much," he says and I start to cry again.

He raises his hand and strokes my cheek but ends up grunting in pain so I tell him to put his hand down, he does and I grab it before it went limp completely.

"What Happened Baby, when I got the call from the prison I was so scared and...

"Josephine I'm fine baby"

"No the hell you not I'm looking at you right now and you're nowhere near fine," I say to him and I turn around and look at the other officers in the room.

"How come he can't go to the fucking hospital, he. Looks like he's close to death and y'all treating him in this place" I yell at all of them and I feel Hero grab my hand.

"We have a medical doctor here and he's very professional so it was no point in taking him to the hospital,"One of the officers say.


"Josephine calm down it's okay I'm okay," Hero says from his bed, I turn around and just glare at him.

"Ms. Langford the doctor here is honesty one of the best doctors so I promise you Hero was in great hands"

"He still should have gone to an actual hospital, but it doesn't matter cause he's coming home"

I turn towards Hero and bend down to his ear kissing him slightly there.

"We're going home"

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