Let's talk

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Hero (pov)

Why the fuck is this guy here, in my girl's house like she doesn't already have a boyfriend. He's looking at me like I'm in the wrong for showing up at Josephine's house. I peek around him and I see her staring at me with nervousness raking in her eyes, what was doing here, why is not saying anything, was they on a date, did they kiss, omg I gonna have a heart attack.

Jo snaps out in whatever she in a starts walking toward where I and this guy is standing she had one hand on her belly and when I look down I notice how much bigger it got she looks absolutely beautiful and I'm so glad she is carrying my children no one else but mine. This fucktard is still in the doorway though and he's pissing Me off.

"Aye bro get the fuck out try way and let me talk to Jo," I tell him

"She doesn't want to see you right now so please leave," he tells me

"How do you know that"

"Yeah how do you know that" Jo says

He turns around and stares at her

"Do to want to speak to him?" he asked her

"Yes I would love to speak to him and Cameron I think it's best if you leave now" she responds

"Ok but if he does something wrong do hesitate to call me"

I roll my eyes

"Ok I won't"

He then looked at me and says "Don't fuck with her or I will be waiting to pick up the pieces of your mistake"

"Shut the fuck up and go," I tell him

He eventually moves out of my way and starts making his way towards his car and drove away. I don't fucking like him I don't know if he's trying to take Jo away from me but I won't let it happen by any means necessary he would have to kill me first before getting to my family. Jo is standing by the door waiting for me to come inside she turns around and starts walking toward the couch I follow right behind her. We sit down and she sighs before turning my way.

"What was that hero" she yells

What was that I just saw another man in your house and not just any man that mother fucker who works at the damn coffee shop with you" I yell back

"All he did was drop me off and we started talking not a big deal"

"Not a big deal I saw another guy in my womens house"

"I'm not your woman you have no fucking claim on me just because I'm carrying your babies doesn't mean nothing Hero so stop acting as it does," she tells me

That hurt

"You know what fuck you Jo maybe I never liked you in the first place, maybe you were just a good fuck and I mistakenly got you pregnant I told you before I never wanted more babies right now so maybe I should not help you at all matter of fact I am gonna help because at the end of the day these are my kids and I'm not gonna be a fucking dead beat and for sure I'm not gonna let no other guy like Cameron raise my damn kids, so when it comes to the kids please let me know whatever but when it comes to you go fuck yourself," I tell her.

She looks at me crying I know I just broke her heart in many different ways but she broke mines first and that was my way of showing it.

"You know what Hero you can go fuck yourself because I'm the one carrying your babies while you have another baby momma who wants you to be with her whore ass, maybe I will get a man to treat me how I should be treated, or maybe Cameron will be a better stepdad he will help me with my babies and we'll be happy while your fucking miserable in the background being the fucking man whore that you are, I was hoping to have a nice calming conversation but thats not what happend so I'm just gonna tell you now I have a doctors appointment next week I would like for you to come with me other than that GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE NOW" she screams at me while tears are running down her face.

At this point, I give up, she and I could never be happy together

"Listen Jo I'm-

"Leave Hero"

"Ok... I'll come to the doctor's appointment at what time"


"Ok well I'll see you around maybe"

"Only for our kids"


I get up and leave her home knowing ill probably never get my love back again. I fucked up

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