Something different

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It's been a couple of days since I told Hero about the baby's and to say we were excited we're absolutely ecstatic with joy about are baby's  and what about to come. Hero and I don't really know what to do thought in living scenarios on one hand he wants me to move in with him and on the other I wanna stay by myself cause I need some sense of independence and we haven't been "together" for long so we don't know what to do.

On a different more I've been trying to look for a new job because the coffee shop just ain't cutting it so I need to find something quick and fast, work has been really hectic lately and this guy just started working for us and he looks at me almost everyday which causes  me and my shy self to blush and my stomach fills with butterflies but even then nobody could compare to Hero.

"Hello Josepine" says Cameron the new guy.

"Hello Cameron" I reply being nice and ignoring the fluttering of my heart.

"How are you, you look very beautiful may I add"

"Im fine thanks for asking, how are you?"

I was not gonna tell him he looks mighty fine himself that would just cause me to embarrass myself without question.

" I'm amazing thank for asking... So I was wondering if we could hang out some time I would really enjoy your company since I just moved here and all"  he asked

I didn't know what to say I mean what was a supposed to do im with hero and that reminds me he's coming to pick me up soon so this conversation should probably end.

"Umm I don't know Cameron, I could probably see if one day I'm able to walk with you and everything" I told him

" why wouldn't you just be able to walk with me theres no harm in that at all Josephine"

"Well you see...

Just as I was about to answer the coffee bell ring and Hero walked in and I realized what time is was it was time for him to pick me up, Hero walked over to us in all his glory and noticed Cameron which made his eyes narrow and glower at him.

" you ready to go mamas" he asked

" yes I'm ready" I turned around and realized Cameron was still standing behind me and had the same glower on his face as Heroes.

"Cameron this is hero, Hero this is Cameron" I said

They didn't say anything just continued to stare in heated gazes, I didn't wanna deal with it so I went to go get me stuff from the back room, when I got in there Delilah was in there too also a new employee and I could sense she wanted to say something but didn't so I just ignored her got my stuff and when I about to leave she finally decided to say something.

" I know this not my business but I really think you should walk with him show him around and all that because this thing with you and your " baby daddy" which I might add is to good looking to be your baby daddy is not gonna last and I could promise you that" she said

I just looked at here stunned I never even introduced myself to the bitch so the fact she said that really threw me off so the only thing I could think of saying came out.

" your right it's none of your business"  I walk out the out the back room and walked right backed out to Hero and Cameron having a mini argument.

"HEY" I yelled

They looked at me

"stop arguing and let's go Hero I'm tired" I told him

He just looked at me and nodded waking out the door with me following behind him, when we got into the car we didn't speak a world to each other which I know was because we were both irritated it with each other but what just happened inside the store.

Cameron had this effect on me which I don't understand and it shouldn't be there I'm already mad in love with this guy sitting next to me and nothing would ever change that. now why would he come in my life now when my hormones are all over the place and I finally have someone in my life that's gonna take care of me and our babies, is it possible that I could just go on the walk with Cameron and not have anything happen or should I just not do it and risk nothing because everything seems to be perfect.

I honestly don't know what to do but whatever it is my babies are my number one priority.

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