The puppy

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Josephine (pov)

The next day...

It's bright and early the morning I wake up, making my way downstairs I see there's some leftover trash from yesterday so I just clean that up while making my morning coffee. My house is boring I'm thinking about getting myself a dog because I need someone the keep me safe and sound.

Thinking about it now I find myself leaving the house and to the dog pound, hoping in my Uber the man driving stared at me a couple of times I thought it was weird but minded my own business.

When I finally got there all these adorable puppies and dogs were lock up in cages I felt so bad for them they all deserved a home but nobody wants to take them, I'm here to take a puppy home TODAY.

"Excuse me ma'am is there anything I can do for you today," a nice-looking man around my age asked me.

"Um yes I would like to purchase a puppy today if possible"

"Yea I can get that done for you today, do you know what type of puppy"

"No, I don't know what type of puppy but I'll just look around and find one that I like " saying this to him with a smile on my face.

"Ok ma'am let me know if you need anything," he says while blushing a deep red.

"Ok I will"

Walking around the store I come arose a few cute puppies but not anything I want until I stop across this one cage that has a tiny teacup all white Pomeranian, I fell in love as soon as the puppy laid eyes on me I knew that this dog was mine.

"Excuse me, sir," I say to the same man I had seen earlier.

"Yes ma'am how might I help you"

"I would like to buy the puppy right here" me poking at the Pomeranian.

"Ok let's start the process of getting it all yours"

"Ok," I say with a smile, making our way into the back office we sit down he asks me a couple of questions about my home and Why I was a good fit to take this puppy home, after a couple of hours the puppy was mine and I was on my way back to my house with a puppy in hand.

Going Inside my house I knew I made the right decision. Letting the pup out of the cage and exploring it makes its way over to me.

"Hi pretty this is your home where you're going to be for the rest of your life with me and hopefully my future husband and kids but just me for now is that okay"

The puppy licks my face so I knew it was okay.

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