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The only thing on my mind right now is Hero. That text is scaring me, what happened, where could he be, I honestly have no idea but I gotta find him if it's the last thing I fucking do.

I grab my house keys and make my way out the door to go look for him but I realized pup is still in the house by himself so I just grab him and we start walking. There's only one place where I know he would be but if he is there why didn't one of his friends help him, maybe he's dead.. no no I can't think like that he's fine.

I walk to the frat house and trust me that one long ass walk but I'll do it for him, I go inside and I see people kissing and playing games but it's a certain group who I'm looking for right now at first I can't see them but then I see there in the corner playing cards. I don't wanna fucking talk to these people but they might know where Hero is. They see me walking up and some dude with brownish hair speaks.

"Hey aren't you that girl Hero brought with him a couple of weeks ago," he says smiling

"Yes I'm her but I have a question have you seen him around here lately," I ask

"No not really why have you not seen him," he says

"No, I haven't seen him that's why I came here to ask any of you," I say pissed

"Woah calm down lady, now we haven't seen him At least I haven't"

Then he gets up on the table and knocks all the cards down.

"HAVE ANY OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS SEEN HERO AROUND HERE" he yells and a group of no comes from all around the room.

"See none of us has seen him"

"Well do you know where I can find him I need help, he sent me a message saying help me and I cannot lose him" the words flowing out of my mouth while I'm crying and trying to catch my breath.

I can't lose him

"Oh shit that's sounds serious Um I remember him saying he has an apartment or house I think an apartment try that," he says

"What's the address please," I ask

"4500 wood way on 78th street right down from the little gas station" he speaks

"Okay thank you," I say appreciated

"No problem but when you find him best his ass for me"

"Ok I will..bye"

I don't give him time to respond I immediately start to run out of the house and make my way towards the address he gave me. It's dark outside and the coldness of the air is making my teeth chatter and goosebumps rise on my skin the frat house is in the far distance but I can still see the party lights from here which is great. Walking on the sidewalk with pup in my hand I Feel free like I'm doing something I'm not supposed to I could be putting my babies in danger this second but I cannot let fear overtake me I have to do this for him, my babies and me.


After A long walk, I finally made it to the street of what the man gave me I never caught his name which I should have but it's kinda too late now. I look around and this area is somewhere I would not want my babies living or even surrounding them in this environment. The streets are all dirty and there's graffiti on the walls how could anyone live here I just don't understand. I see a light in the distance tho and I go towards it, when I step closer it says rental office this must be a step to lead me to Hero.

I walk inside and a lady behind the counter turns towards me and greets me kindly.

"Hi, my name is Annie how can I assist you," she says smile bright on her face

"Um hi I'm looking for someone by the name of Hero" I respond hoping to get something

"Oh Mr. Tiffin yes he came in earlier and didn't look so well," she says

"So he's here"

"Yes he's here, who are you but the way"

"I'm Josephine he's girlfriend"

"Oh, he has girlfriend he never told me he had a girlfriend I would never have sex with him"

My heart starts racing and it feels like everything is underwater.

"When was the Last time y'all  had sex," I ask scared to hear the answer.

"A couple of weeks ago but he was out doing a lot but I'm guessing he was with you which makes sense"

When I see him I'm gonna kill him

"Ok thank you so much for telling me I'll talk to him but can you let me know where his door number is and can I have the keys please" I beg and she gives me a sorrowful look.

"Floor number 4, door number 27 on your left"

"Okay thank you so much,"  I say running up to the elevator to go to his floor, how could he do this to me we were having sex while he was fucking  a whole other bitch how could he.

I look down how long hallway and just start looking for his door when I eventually find it in the very back corner of the hall, he always loved privacy. I knock on the door waiting for an answer but nothing I knock again still nothing Where is he at.


Still no answer, so I just unlock the door and when I look inside it's a mess of bottles everywhere pizza boxes on the counter ugh how can he live like this. There's a room in the far corner I go towards it but see that's it Crack open and it's dark inside he must be in there.

"Hero" I whisperer
No answer

"Hero please say something" I whisper again

No answer

I go inside the room and I can't see anything until I turn around and there's he is laying on his bed with his phone dead asleep. I wanna toward him and tap his shoulder but he doesn't move, I tap him again the same thing he still doesn't move so I decided to a check his breathing but when I check he wasn't and the room started spinning he can't be dead not on my watch, I grab my phone and call 911.

"Hello what is your emergency" the dispatcher says

"I NEED HELP" I scream into the phone

He needs help.

Hey guys this story is gonna take some serious editing.

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