He's gone

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Everything around me is blurry. I'm pushing past people that make their way happily down the street with their families and look so happy while I'm trying to catch my breath and I can't catch it the pain is overtaking me, It's overtaking me.

He's gone, my baby boy is going. I can't take this pain and I know that Carmen needs me right now even Josephine needs me but I cannot go back there right now or ill tear that whole hospital down. It doesn't seem real that someone dying and the pain that comes with it every single fucking emotion wants to bust through the gates and you just can't be that happen because then it becomes so much you just wanna be dead yourself.

I don't even know where I've gone but I know that I'm nowhere near the hospital and it's getting darker. I can't feel my damn heart and it's in my chest beating keeping the blood pumping, keeping me alive but it didn't keep Elijah alive his heart didn't keep him alive. I feel sick so I run over to the back of a building and just let everything out of my system, it hurts, everything hurts.

I can't be this selfish right now I've gotta get back to the hospital. I start to walk from the building and I notice two guys walking behind me. I pick up my pace because I don't want any trouble I just got out of fucking jail and ain't tryna go back. They start walking faster and looking straight forward never looking at me but past me and it's giving me the creeps I need to get away from here. I am starting t walk fast than I ever walked before and I start to see some buildings I recognize, I also see my friends sitting in the little cafe across the street so I make my way over there instead of going straight to the hospital.

When I enter it was very warm and smelled like all types of sweets, it's not very pleasant.

I got towards my friends who sat all the way in the back, you can pick them out because they're all wearing black and being loud as fuck. I approach them and my friend Jason sees me first.

"Hey look who the fuck it is," he says and pulls me towards him.

"Hey jay," I say back and I notice my voice sounds horrible and he notices too.

"What the hell is wrong with you"

And just like that the tears start to fall and I begin to tell him everything, the rest of the group isn't listening so he's just listening to me. He's noodling and he has tears in his eyes as I tell him about Elijah.

"I'm so sorry Hero, I had no idea you were going through all of that," he said

"None of you knew end I wasn't gonna tell any of you"

"Damn Ft that's harsh"

"Sorry buts it's the truth"

"I understand I wouldn't tell this dickhead of a group anything either not even me"

I laugh

"Thank you for listening to me, though I needed to talk to someone, anyone really"

"You're welcome I'm always here for you"

"I'm always here for you too" I look at the clock and realize it's close to 9.

"Oh shit I gotta go," I tell him

"Alright Ft I catch you some other time," he says

"Alright, jay...seyya" I say to him then walk out of the cafe.

The hospital is not too far away but it is so cold outside and I don't wanna walk but I'm not waiting for a car.

Fuck it'll walk.

When I finally get to the hospital it's quieter and there's jazz music playing in the speaker in the ceiling. I hop on the elevator and take it to the 4th floor, when I enter the 4th floor no one is around and the lights are slightly dimmed. The lady from earlier is still at the reception table I go up to her.

"Hello," I say.

"Hi, how can I help you," she says back.

"Hi I was wondering if I could have the room of Elijah Fiennes Tiffin"

"Okay, who are you to him"

"I'm his father"

"Oh okay I heard about what happened I'm so sorry for your lost"

"Thank you, hopefully, I can be through this," I say the tears coming back.

"You will I believe in you"

"Thank you so much"

"Your welcome sweetheart also his room is 420 done the hall on your left"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

I thank her once again and make my way to his room. When I do enter his room Carmen and Josephine are talking but they stop when u enter the room.

"Where the fuck have you been," jo and Carmen said


"Out where"

"Just outside"

"Why the hell didn't you stay here with us, we needed you, he fucking needed you, Hero," Carmen says.

"I'm so sorry Carmen the pain was just too much for me to handle"

"What do you think I'm going through, I was his mother the one who was with him every DAMN DAY," she says yelling the last two words.

"I said I was sor--

"Get the hell out of my face you disgust me"


"GET THE HELL OUT HERO," she says and I don't wanna argue with her so I just walk out.

What the hell did I do I shouldn't have never left the hospital. I will make it up to Carmen and show her that I did care. I've always cared.

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