Almost here

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Beginning of may...

It's been three months, the babies come in a matter of a 2 weeks maybe three. Ive have had a one last doctor appointment in that time and my schedule c-section is schedule to happen around the end of may since my actual due date June 5th. My belly has gotten so big that's it's actually hard to stand and sit down most of the time, Hero's here to help me always but it's still sucks I can't do nothing on my own.

Speaking of Hero he's been working so much lately with his acting and modeling he has a big movie coming out that I have to help him prepare for sometimes, it not like I can get a
Up to perform the parts buts he appreciates the effort coming form me anyway.

I wish I could work. I mean sometimes I be on my computer just writing random stuff to get my mind off the thought of just throwing my work clothes and having Hero drive my to the coffee shop. Cameron has came over once to check up on me and surprisingly Hero let him in the house, I don't think he hates Cameron but most definitely can tolerate him.

Life is great just waiting on the babies to make it better.

I'm in my room still waiting for Hero to get back from the store. His taking forever for some mustard and lays chips that I of course ask him to get. He been very protective over me and when I need something he's always there to give or get that item to me, I truly do love home with my life, he's an amazing almost to be daddy and I'm glad I have him by my side for the journey.

I can hear pup start barking at the door so I know someone is there. I start to get up out the bed but I don't make it so I just sit myself back down.

"Josephine," Hero says as he enters the bedroom door.

"Yes," I reply

"You okay baby,? He ask.

"Yes I'm okay, just sitting her like usual like I've been doing for the past month basically" I say irritated.

He laughs "your doctor did tell you that you had to be on bed rest until your ready to give birth," he says.

Fucking Bed rest... I forget she told me that.

"I'm tired of this bed can I go to the living room please" I cry.

"Baby, you can't even get up out ten bed for you to be wanting to go to the couch, you don't need the living room anyways. You have a tv and snacks and me whatever you need at any moment"

"I want a different scenery. I'm tired of the bed room and I thought I would never say that ever"

"Well deal with it, you're stuck in here"

I groan and he laughs at my misery. He walks over to me and kisses my belly. He loves to kiss my belly every day he says it gives him comfort about Elijah. I don't mind at all.

"How's my baby's doing?" he asks

"They're fine kicking the shit out of my belly but there okay"

"That's good, how are you doing?"

"I'm good better then ever actually, tired of this rook maybe I can go...

"You're not getting out Josephine," he says and laughs.

"Darn it"


Two weeks later

These Braxton hicks are no joke. I've been in pain for the past week and the C-section due date is getting closer. I thought that maybe I wouldn't have any pains because I'm close but not to close to my actual due date but my body had other plans, my body is slowly catching on fire.

Hero called the doctor one night because the pain was too much and I was crying in my sleep, he work up and saw me then called doctor Abby straight away, she told me to breathe and the pain should go away. Eventually, it did and I was able to be without pain for a couple of days.

It's back now and it hurts like a bitch.

Hero's rubbing my back telling me it's gonna be okay and everything is gonna be fine, it doesn't feel fine. In hurting.


"Yes, sweetheart"

"It might be a week early but I think it's time to go to the hospital"

"Are you sure, you don't want me to calm doctor Abby again and see if it's just the Braxton hicks again"

"This is worse Hero, I want to go to the hospital"


We both get up and get the bags we've prepared a month ago for this very moment.

"Are you sure you wanna go in jo" he says

"Yes, I'm sure" I reply

"Alright lets go and have these babies.. Probably"

"Let's go," I say and we walk towards the car.

Its time... Probably.

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