im pregnant

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3 weeks later

Time has gone by slowly lately it seems like the world wants me to savor this moment and understand how my life is set to change in 37 weeks also meaning about 9 fucking months.

Right here right now after a good two weeks of denying this, I'm finally sitting here on the toilet with a pregnancy test in my hands my heart beating out my chest at a very bad rate I honestly think I might pass out but I can't now right now.

I should have taken these signs seriously, now that I'm thinking About them they were obvious.

3 weeks earlier

It's been a week since that amazing night with hero and honestly, I hope we do it again soon, I haven't seen hero since then because he's been busy with Elijah and his acting career but we do talk to each other every day multiple times a day it's all worth it though because I love him.

I've also gone back to work I mean nobody makes money for me so I gotta make money for myself, it's been a really slow week at work but I'm starting to get back in the groove and I'm going back this morning too so I gotta get up and feed pup.

Waking out of my room pup is scratching at my door like he does every morning.

"hi pup how are you baby" he's licking my face indicating that he's happy like he's always is.

"do you want some food and drink"


"Ok pup" going to the kitchen I start to get this weird feeling in my belly and it's not pleasant, oh shit running to the bathroom I throw up for what seems like hours and then eventually stop, pup was sitting worried right at the door.

"Hey baby it's okay, momma is okay she just a little sick(throws up some more) she's fine really.

I get up from the toilet and rinse my mouth out with water so I can go get pup's stuff ready, he follows me out of the bathroom and I set up his food and drink and go sit down a few minutes later my phone dings.


Hero- hey baby

Josephine- hi...

Here what's wrong

Josephine-nothing I just got sick this morning out of nowhere

Hero- aww I'm sorry sweetheart do you need anything

Josephine- no I'm fine... I'm gonna go to work then come back home

Hero- ok.. call me if you Need anything Later

Josephine- ok thank you, well I gotta get ready and go I'll talk to you later

Hero- okay by love

Josephine- bye Mr mysterious

I need to start getting ready for work I go get in the shower then dry off and put my clothes on say goodbye to pup and go to work.

Hours later

After work, I go home and I throw up again and that happens for the next 2 Hours what the hell is going on, hopefully, I find out soon.

2 weeks later (beginning of 3 week)

I've been throwing up the past 2 weeks and I missed my periods which had never happened before but I'm sure it's nothing it has to be nothing I'm not ready if it is something and hero will be upset if it is something but who cares what he thinks.

I don't wanna go to the store to buy the stick but I might just have to if I wanna secure my mind and not have to worry about this any more than I already am.

Getting up out of my bed I get dressed and I go to the store and go find the aisle I'm looking for, I did not want to get in this moment in my life but At this point, I have no choice since I'm already here, I get 5 different kinds of boxes and make my way to the register pay for them then leave.

Making it home I don't even think about anything, but the get this done and put my mind at ease finally, in the bathroom I pee in 1 cup pulling the test out and dipping them each, and waiting an excruciating 5 min for the ding.

If I'm pregnant what will I do, I don't have enough money for me and the dog let alone a kid but if I am pregnant this baby will be my life and I will manage and do this important job that I have Been an honor to be given, after 5 min I hear the ding this is the moment does my life turn around or not. turning over the test I don't look at it first but when I do my heart burst out my chest and I'm shaking in sobs as my body goes down...

I'm pregnant....

Hi people it's bet to start getting juicy over time so buckle up your seatbelt and get ready for the ride ✅😉

*Sorry for editing mistake if theres any while reading*

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