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"Where the hell am I supposed to meet you at" If this man is crazy enough to think I'm going out in the dark he got me all the way messed up.

New message

Where else... The park sweetheart it's the only place I know around here so far besides the coffee shop and the corner store.

Well, I'm not going outside it's too dark and I told myself I won't ever again do the dark unless it's an emergency.

Since me being afraid of the dark maybe I have an idea that maybe he will agree to.

How about you come to my place I mean it is not a bad idea since I'm not going out there now.

I sent this message and waited to see his reply, a  couple of minutes later I got one.

Ok sweetheart I'll see you soon but I need your address.


After I sent him my address I had to get myself up from my bed and dress properly, putting on some leggings and a low-cut red shirt I made my way towards my kitchen to get something out of the fridge.

A couple of minutes later...

I hear a know at the door and I already know who it is so I just get up and answer the door.

"Hi sweetheart"

"Hi" saying it in the most sweetest voice possible.

"Welcome to my home make yourself comfortable the kitchen is over there and the living room is right there, you can see so yeah my bad for rambling"

"It's ok your home is very nice," he says this with the smirk on his face which makes me wanna faint right there on the spot.

"Thank you, kind sir, so what is it that you would like to talk about since you wanted to meet in the first place.

"Oh yeah, I came here to tell you that I was invited to a party tomorrow and I wanted you to go with me sweetheart" with a smile on his face waiting for my response.

"Sure I'll come I got nothing better to do and I don't go to work until Monday anyway so why not"

"Alright cool, so what have you been up to"

"Nothing chilling like a villain, how about you Mr  mysterious"

"Nothing same as your chilling like a villain or whatever you just said" making him smile and my giggle.

2 hours later...

It's been 2 hours since he came and I'm getting tired by the minute but I wanna stay up so bad just for him, but I course he saw my sleepy eyes and decided to show his way to the door, of course, I walk him there.

"I enjoyed the talk sweetheart"

"Me too I wanted to continue but I'm sleepy" making sure the pout was on my face.

Yeah I can tell lady, we'll I'll let you go to sleep, pretty lady"

That's a new one...

"Alright see you tomorrow I'm guessing"

"Yeah tomorrow, we'll I'm leaving bye baby" he shuts the door behind him leaving me dumbfounded.

Did he just call me baby!!!


Hey peeps...

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