Missing you

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One month later

It's been a month since the death of Elijah and everything has been ok but Elijah's death has taken a huge toll on him and he's been distant from me. We haven't been having actual conversations with each other only one-word sentences and it's getting annoying sitting in a house with someone else you barely talk to anymore.

My belly has gotten bigger and I'm so excited about my due date and finding out their gender which should happen tomorrow, I don't know if Hero's going with me but I wouldn't be surprised if he stays home and sleeps like he's been doing since the death. He barely goes anywhere anymore his friends call him but he doesn't pick up and just lets it ring on his bedside.

I feel for him but he has to realize that being sad all the time is not the way to deal with this. Carmen came over last week to get something from Hero and I didn't know what it was until he said he wrote her a letter and gave her a pandora bracket and a charm that represented Elijah, it was very sweet of him and this time I wasn't a jealous girlfriend over the gift.

It's been hard for me too but I'm more put together because even if I wanted to couldn't let myself crumble, I have to stay strong for the both of us and it's a lot of fucking work.

This morning I went to work and I realized the shirt that I usually wear is stretched out in the front because of my prodding belly. I haven't seen Cameron and I'm upset about it I have to talk to him about something important. He maybe works today but I haven't checked the work calendar to see if he's on the clock. I finish the person's coffee that was Infront of me and I go check the calendar, yeah he's definitely on here which means he should be here soon.

Just like I said he arrives an hour later but looks freshly fucked, he's hot. I stare at him and don't realize I have been starting for a long time until he snaps his fingers in my face and calls my name.

"Josephine, you there," he says

"Yea, yea I'm sorry just got a little distracted," I thought

"Ok well I wanted to talk to you about something later before we close up"

"Ok me too I wanted to talk to you also"

"Alright so later then"

"Later then," I say and smile at him and he smiles back.

The day went by extremely slowly but it was nice working today and serving the customers. It didn't seem like we'd been here all day but we'd been here all day and now it was finally time to go home but first I have to talk to Cameron. When I get to the back room after cleaning up Cameron is already there hanging up his apron.





"Okay this is awkward anyways I wanted to talk to you about what I wanted to say since the beginning," I say

"Okay go ahead," he says

"Ok so from the beginning I liked you and you were so nice and it made me happy that I had you in my life but I also had Hero so I couldn't go for you and I'm not gonna lie it did suck but now I'm content with my life to know that I only see you as a friend and I hope we can remain friends"

He looks at me the bust of laughing.

"Josephine I'm cool with just being friends besides I have a lovely lady of my own now," I say smiling.

"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND" I scream excited.

"Yes, yes I have a girlfriend and she's the love of my life"

"I'm so happy for you Cameron"

"Me too Josephine, I'm glad you're ok and happy and healthy"

"Thank you so much Cameron for not being a dick about this situation," I say

"You are very welcome Ms. Langford" he says and looks down at his phone.

"I have to go but it was nice talking to you"

"You to Cameron," I say and he leaves that store.

An hour later I'm arriving home and I notice that no lights are on in the house. What the hell is going on, I Walk up my driveway and open the door the smell of cinnamon hits my nose and it makes me want to through up but I hold it together because Hero is in the middle of the living room with candles and roses following the floor. I walk to him and hug him not because of this but because he's finally acting like a human and not a zombie.

"I'm so sorry baby, I promise not to pull away and I did it anyway there is no excuse for how I've been acting towards you and I hope you can forgive me," he says

"Of course, I'll forgive you, I love you Hero"

"I love you too pretty mama"

He kisses me

"You ready to find out the gender tomorrow"

"Oh shit"

He forgot the damn doctor's appointment, not surprising.

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